
Scottish viaduct from the Harry Potter movie in Ternopil region

Albina PanchenkoNews
Interesting facts about the Ukrainian viaduct

Almost every one of us has dreamed of riding the Hogwarts Express at least once in our lives or finding ourselves for a moment among the unearthly beauty that this famous train travels through. Well, wishes must come true! If you also wanted to see the majestic bridge, take tickets to the Ternopil region. After all, it is there, in the village of Plebanivka, that an ancient stone crossing was built, which is no worse than its sister in Scotland.

History of the Plebanivka Viaduct

This giant was built when part of the Ukrainian lands were under the rule of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It was at that time that the railroad transportation boom began. It was then that they decided to build a route from Ternopil to Kopychyntsi. The goal of the project was to transport industrial products and agricultural goods from Ukraine to the monarchy.

The construction lasted 4 years. The work was approached with full responsibility, because the viaduct had to withstand freight cars that weighed more than one ton. Its design was thought out to the smallest detail. The quality of the building materials was also taken into account; each stone was carefully selected by Austrian engineers. That's why the beautiful building still stands above the deep ravine.

By the way, in Soviet times it was not possible to admire the crossing. It was fenced with barbed wire and carefully guarded. Just like during the reign of the previous owners, it fulfilled its duties - it allowed the transportation of echelons with coal and cement.

When Ukraine gained its independence, the bridge was reopened to "ordinary" people, but the concept of the giant's work was completely changed. Now it is considered an architectural monument and is carefully protected. Today, various excursions are held here, and the local authorities have equipped bicycle routes and pedestrian paths nearby. Unfortunately, trains don't run here very often, and the building is protected as the apple of the eye.


It is no coincidence that the object was designed in an arched style. Back then, they definitely didn't think about beauty or originality. The engineers were faced with the task of building a strong support that could withstand titanic loads. And it is this shape that enhances the reliability of the crossing and increases its service life. The Plebanivka Viaduct has nine arches that are deeply embedded in the ground.

During the construction, the designers had to take into account many things. They even paid attention to weather whims and natural disasters. Although earthquakes were not recorded here so often, they did happen sometimes. They also took into account hydrometeorological conditions: seasonal temperature changes, winds, rains, and possible icing.

Fortunately, the people who worked on the project succeeded. The bridge has been standing firmly for over 120 years. And we are confident that it will last for a long time.

Why is it called a viaduct?

Such crossings got their name back in the days of Ancient Rome. They have their own peculiarities and differ significantly from others. Such engineering structures are built only over deep ravines and gorges, where it is not economically or technically profitable to build an embankment to pave the road. Another difference is that they are never built over water.

Where is the location and how to get there?

The facility is located in the village of Plebanivka, Ternopil region. You can get here by car or bus. Just an hour from the regional center and you are there. But keep in mind that if you take public transportation, you will have to walk to your destination on your own. It usually takes another 30 minutes.

You can also get to the facility from Terebovlia, which has excellent transportation. If you are traveling from the west of Ukraine, take the M19 highway - it passes through the desired village.

It should be noted that this is not the only viaduct in our country. We have as many as 6 of them. Three in Ternopil region, two in Lviv region and one in Ivano-Frankivsk region.

Interesting facts

The Plebanivka Viaduct has a twin brother. It is located in the Scottish village of Glenfinnan. It became famous thanks to the cult movie about a boy who survived. Yes, it is he who appears in the movie.

By the way, the construction of the famous bridge from the wizarding world began a year later, but it was completed a little faster. So we can assume that the crossings are the same age.

Unlike its "relative", our viaduct was damaged during the First World War. It was partially damaged, but it survived. After the end of hostilities, it was restored.

The structure is so impressive in its size and design that Ukrposhta noticed it. In 2018, a postage stamp depicting the crossing was issued.

You can go here at any time. The views in winter are no worse than in spring, summer, or fall. So be sure to buy tickets and come here for a weekend.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA told you about the most beautiful bridges in the world.

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