
Scientists have discovered "interbrain coupling" between humans and dogs: here is how it works

Inna VasilyukNews
When a person looks into the eyes of their dog, it synchronizes their brains

In a new discovery, scientists have found that human-dog interaction changes the way pets' brains work. This unique bridge occurs when the eyes of an animal and its owner meet.

This "interbrain coupling," as scientists call it, sheds new light on the close interaction between dogs and their owners. It may even hold clues to understanding and treating autism in humans, Study Finds writes.

The study used an advanced technique called dual-EEG to simultaneously measure brain activity in humans and dogs as they engaged in petting or gazing at each other. The scientists found that certain areas of the human and dog brains actually synchronized during these interactions, showing coordinated patterns of activity.

Even more interestingly, this brain synchronization seemed to follow a leader-follower dynamic, with the human brain leading and the dog's brain following. This reflects the social dynamics between humans and dogs, where humans typically take on a leadership role.

The scientists emphasize that this discovery goes far beyond simply understanding the human-dog connection. The researchers also observed dogs with mutations in a gene called SHANK3, which is closely linked to autism in humans. These dogs demonstrated impaired brain synchronization when interacting with humans, mirroring the social difficulties seen in human autism.

In a surprising twist, the researchers found that a single dose of the psychedelic drug LSD seems to rescue this impaired brain synchronization in SHANK3 mutant dogs. Although it is still too early to draw clinical conclusions, this discovery hints at potential new avenues for autism research and treatment.

According to the scientists, this study offers a new look at the neurological basis of one of the oldest friendly relations of mankind - human and dog.

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