
Punishable by a yellow card: UEFA introduces a new rule

Oleksandr ChekanovNews
UEFA defends Euro 2024 referees

The 2024 European Championship, which will be held at German stadiums this summer, will have a new football rule. Now, only team captains will be able to communicate with referees during matches, while other players will be shown a yellow card for aggression towards the referee.

This statement by the European Football Union (UEFA) was published on the organization's official website. The text emphasizes that if the team captain is a goalkeeper, the one who can communicate with the referee will be chosen from among the field players.

"We ask all teams to make sure that their captain is the only player talking to the referee. We ask captains to ensure that their teammates do not pressure or surround the referee, allowing for a direct conversation so that the decision can be communicated in a timely and respectful manner. It is important to note that we want the referee to be approached only by the team captain who wishes to discuss the decision. Any player who ignores the role of his captain will be shown a yellow card," UAF emphasized.

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