
Companies associated with Bogolyubov have paid about $100 million in taxes to the Russian budget since 2014

Maria ShevchukNews
NSDC should consider Bogolyubov's candidacy for sanctions

In the spring, a Russian court confiscated assets worth more than 5 billion rubles, including Bogolyubov's share. In particular, we are talking about Yuzhgazenergy LLC and Catering-YUG LLC, which conducted fuel and energy activities in the Republic of Adygea, Russia, with an average annual turnover of about 1-1.7 billion rubles.

This was reported by Censor.NET.

The final beneficiary of the LLCs was the British oil and gas company JKX Oil & Gas Limited, which is associated with Bogolyubov. With his participation, a loyal director was appointed, who, in particular, implemented the strategy of work in Russia.

Despite Russia's occupation of Crimea and aggression in the East in 2014, Boholyubov did not stop his involvement in the Russian part of the business, and the company's reports for 2014-15 show a decrease in profits due to sanctions and the collapse of the ruble. In the documents for that period, the company notes "growing prospects for the gas sector in southern Russia" and "successful operational progress despite the difficult political environment."

Thus, in 2022, Yuzhgazenergy paid more than 400 million rubles in various taxes and fees, as evidenced by data from specialized websites. For years, the companies paid millions of dollars to the Russian budget, and eventually "enriched" federal property by 5 billion rubles (over $55 million), which the terrorist state forcibly confiscated from the hands of unprincipled oligarchs.

Although in November 2023, the JKX Oil & Gas press service reported that Bogolyubov no longer had any direct or indirect participation in the company and that his share had become the property of the United Kingdom, according to the laws of the country, the owners have 10 years to appeal this decision in court. At the same time, all the top managers from the oligarch's orbit, who were appointed by him, still run the company.

Perhaps, as a reward for his financial contribution to the aggressor's budget, the National Security and Defense Council should consider Boholyubov's candidacy for sanctions?

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