
After killing 50 people in a cafe near Kupiansk, Putin says he is building a new world

Maryna PohorilkoNews
Putin, as usual, said that it was not Russia that started the war

After the terrorist attack in the village of Hroza in the Kharkiv region, where at least 50 people were killed, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin said that Russia had launched a "special operation" to end the war in Ukraine. He allegedly refers not to a territorial conflict but to "the principles of a new world order."

The Kremlin leader delivered a new speech full of illogical nonsense at the plenary session of the annual meeting of the Valdai Club in Sochi on October 5. He traditionally blamed the West for all of Russia's troubles (to watch the video, scroll to the end of the news story).

Accusations against the West

According to the dictator, Russia can make a "significant contribution" to the new world order, "but our readiness was misunderstood by some as submission." He said that the West did not want to hear Russia and was overconfident.

"The West has lost its sense of reality in vain," Putin said.

He added that there have been significant changes in the world over the past 20 years, making "time shrink."

"The global problems of humanity require collective solutions, and selfishness and arrogance will lead to a dead end," the bloody dictator raved.

In addition, Putin assured that the welfare of the West was allegedly largely achieved through the plundering of the entire planet and endless expansion.

The Kremlin leader also announced his intention to continue to develop new territories.

"We still have Siberia, Eastern Siberia, and the Far East to explore and develop," he said.

At the same time, Putin did not miss another opportunity to point out that the West is the enemy and that Russia is certainly not to blame.

"The West, a certain part of the Western elites, always needs an enemy," the dictator emphasized.

Putin on the war in Ukraine

Putin said that the war, which was allegedly "started by the Kyiv regime," has been going on for ten years, and that the "SMO" was launched to end it.

"It was not Russia that tried to threaten Donbas with bombing and intimidate Crimea, that has been bombing, shooting, using tanks and killing people for 10 years," Putin said.

He also voiced his traditional fairy tale that "people and children were dying in Donbas before the start of the 'special operation', and  that no one in the West paid attention to it and did not cry for them."

As OBOZREVATEL previously reported:

- The head of Ukraine's Foreign Intelligence Service in 2005-2010, Army General Mykola Malomuzh, said that Putin is afraid of a turning point in the war and is distracting the Ukrainian Armed Forces from important goals. According to him, Bakhmut still remains a significant settlement for the occupying country and its leader Putin. Its surrender would de facto mean a turning point in the war.

- After the full-scale invasion, Russia committed many war crimes on the territory of Ukraine. One of them is the forced relocation of thousands of Ukrainian children aged from four months to 17 years from the temporarily occupied territories to the Russian Federation.

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