
A couple killed in an enemy attack on Kyiv region, there is also a child among the wounded. Photos and details

Dmitry KropivnitskyNews
Consequences of another missile attack

Several districts in the Kyiv region were damaged during a missile attack on Tuesday, January 2. A fire in a residential building in the Fastiv district was extinguished. Two people died.

This was announced by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Ihor Klymenko, the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reports. Rescue operations continue on the ground.

Thus, in the Kyiv region, debris has fallen in Boryspil, Bucha, and Fastiv districts. A fire in a residential building was extinguished in Fastiv district. Two people were killed.

"In Vyshneve, 5 apartment buildings and more than 40 cars were damaged. Seven people were wounded," Klymenko added.

The Kyiv Regional Military Administration clarified that a number of private houses and more than 60 cars were damaged in the communities. The falling debris caused a fire in an unfinished church, and several businesses and warehouses were damaged. One of the regional medical institutions was damaged.

The press service of the Kyiv Regional Prosecutor's Office reported that a pre-trial investigation into criminal proceedings over violations of the laws and customs of war has been launched.

"According to the investigation, on January 2, 2024, the Russian Armed Forces launched missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles at the region. The attack killed a couple, and 6 people were preliminarily injured, including a child," the prosecutor's office said.

Later, the Kyiv Regional Military Administration's press service reported that 11 apartment buildings in Vyshneve were damaged by debris as a result of the morning attack. More than 700 residents of these buildings are being provided with the necessary assistance. Sixteen people have already sought medical help, including an 8-year-old child.

On the morning of January 2, Russian terrorists launched a massive missile attack on Kyiv. After that, the capital experienced power outages. In addition, the same problems were reported in the Kyiv region.

On Tuesday, January 2, a missile attack on the Bortnychi neighborhood of Kyiv damaged private homes and a church building in the Darnytskyi district. In addition, the fall of debris was recorded in other areas of the capital, and there are victims.

As reported, on the morning of January 2, the aggressor country Russia attacked Kyiv with missiles, including ballistic Kinzhal ones, hitting a civilian infrastructure facility in the Podil district. In several other districts, debris from the downed missiles fell both on residential buildings and open space, and there were casualties.

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