
10 simple things that will make even the most expensive look cheaper

Karina VishnyakovaNews
10 tips on how not to look cheap. Source: Pinterest

Obviously, every woman wants to look great. To achieve this, fashionistas put in a lot of effort, time, and money. However, there is no guarantee that everything will turn out perfectly in the end.

The tricks you use for the "wow effect" can only spoil the image. Fashion blogger Vivienne Abena has compiled a selection of 10 things that can make your wardrobe look cheaper than it is.

Too many brands in one look

A Dolce and Gabbana dress, Gucci bag, Chanel glasses and Jimmy Choo shoes in a look at the same time can only cheapen the outfit. All these logos in one outfit is a fashion disaster. "Wear one or a maximum of two designer items at a time to maintain a stylish look," the expert recommends.

Graphics and inscriptions

If you want to look stylish and elegant, avoid wearing clothes with lots of graphics and lettering. "Tops, dresses, and pants with graphics will make you look like a 13-year-old girl," Abena said. Choose plain models without graphics as they look more stylish and elegant.

Bright colors

A splash of color can add radiance to your outfit. However, too many bright colors in one ensemble is a shortcut to failure. Playing with colors is fun, especially during the spring and summer months. However, combining too many bright colors that don't complement each other can be one way to make your look cheap.

Bad makeup

Makeup is a great addition to an image if it is done right. "It's important not to overdo it," the blogger urges, "Makeup can easily turn from decoration to cheapening". A barely noticeable makeup gives the most elegant look. No wonder why, for example, nude makeup is so popular.

Dirty or worn accessories

After you've put on a really nice dress with your hair styled and makeup flawlessly applied, a worn bag or shoes with scratches and patches can cheapen your outfit. "Shoes, bags, belts, and other accessories don't have to be brand new. They just need to be properly maintained and polished," says Abena.

Wrinkled clothes

Creases can make the most expensive clothes look like a rag. "Take the time to iron your clothes properly," Vivienne urges. "If you're going to be sitting for a long time at an event, don't wear clothes made of fabrics that wrinkle easily, such as linen.

Clothing that is too revealing

Transparent clothing, plunging necklines, micro-mini skirts, shorts, cropped tops that expose the navel, tight clothing, flesh-colored leggings, and the like. Simultaneous exposure of legs, shoulders, and waist ruins the elegant look.

Wrong size

Choose clothes that fit you, not someone else's figure: ill-fitting jackets, pants hems that sweep the floor. If you want to wear a maxi dress, make sure it fits you. You can put on a belt to make it fit your body as much as possible and give you a feminine silhouette. This also applies to shoes. Improperly selected shoes are not only an unattractive look, but also a health hazard.

Too long nails

Wearing very long nails is not elegant at all, the blogger believes. It cheapens your appearance and makes you look untidy.

Underwear that shows through clothes

Bra straps that hang outward and go beyond the blouse, panty lines that peek through your clothes, thongs that peek out of your pants – all of these things ultimately cheapen your look. It's important to invest in quality underwear for two main reasons. Firstly, it will provide you with proper support and comfort, and secondly, it will ultimately give you a feminine, sophisticated silhouette.

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