
Win-win options: 10 best countries for both vacation and work

Albina PanchenkoNews
The best countries for work and leisure

Work is not always pleasant, but you have to earn money. We live in a material world, so people are increasingly valuing their careers. Especially freelancers, who can work from anywhere in the world. However, what do you do when you have the opportunity to go somewhere, but deadlines don't allow you to take a normal vacation? Pack a suitcase and fly wherever your heart desires!

The world is currently developing a trend for work + vacation. This is a format that combines everything at once. The real "boom" began during the coronavirus pandemic, which made online life our everyday life. People quickly got bored. So as soon as the borders began to open, everyone who could ran away from home with a laptop.

So where is the best place to drink a cocktail with a beautiful view and work at the same time? Let's find out.

Win-win options: 10 best countries for both vacation and work


It is not suitable for frostbite and lovers of resort vacations. With the onset of severe Ukrainian cold weather, the Portuguese heat also drops to 15 degrees. However, despite the fact that the country is not quite tropical, you can focus on other things. For example, you can drive around different towns and explore their many attractions. If you're interested in the history of other countries, you'll definitely like this "business trip". It's good to know that the locals speak English well. There is also a low crime rate and relatively reasonable prices.

For newcomers who plan to stay for a short time, Portugal offers a visa for digital nomads. It guarantees the holder a residence permit in a certain country for a long period and the ability to avoid its tax laws.

Win-win options: 10 best countries for both vacation and work


Spain boasts a bunch of coworking spaces for every taste. Freelancers can apply for documents that will allow them to work remotely for a year. It has a pleasant climate, vibrant nightlife, and a comfortable environment for the LGBTQ+ community. And most importantly, there are very beautiful cities and many cafes and restaurants for a "fat" (and not so much) wallet.


First, it has some of the cheapest food in the world, as well as inexpensive car rental, low hotel room rates, and cheap apartment rentals. Thus, budget travel is all about Romania. It borders Ukraine, which means that travel time is significantly reduced. However, the climate is also similar, so you won't be able to escape the cold. We also have the same time zone.

Win-win options: 10 best countries for both vacation and work


The island is located in East Africa and is surrounded by incredibly beautiful reefs and lagoons. It is considered the most comfortable location for remote work in the Middle East. Mauritius is also safe, politically stable, and has a good environment. The time difference is four hours.


The country of the Rising Sun closes the top 5. It has very fast internet, a lot of modern technology, clean air, and a low number of traffic accidents. The cultural program is great too as a rich historical heritage and a wide range of entertainment will not let you get bored.

Win-win options: 10 best countries for both vacation and work


Some people hate the cold so much that they are ready to run away to another country for a few months. As the weather in mid-fall increasingly hints at winter, Ukrainians are looking for an alternative. They often choose hospitable Georgia.

When we have frosts, the temperature in Batumi is warm and almost summer-like. A huge plus is that the time difference with Ukraine is only an hour. Therefore, neither calls nor urgent tasks will be a problem. You'll be able to solve urgent matters and get some sleep.

Canary Islands

Another quite comfortable location. In the fall, it's quite warm here as thermometers rarely show below 20 degrees. Tenerife is the most popular among the seven islands of the archipelago. The cliff houses and the Atlantic Ocean evoke unforgettable emotions.

Win-win options: 10 best countries for both vacation and work

Egypt, Dahab

This is the place to go for a tan. The weather here is always sunny, sometimes even hot. And the time difference with Ukraine is one hour. So, as you can imagine, the climate allows you to sunbathe, swim in the warm sea and enjoy life at any time of the year.


A very popular point on the map. However, housing is not cheap. You won't be able to soak up the sun on the coast as the thermometer does not rise above 20 degrees in the fall. The same time zone and, of course, fantastic views are the advantages.


Travelers appreciate Alanya for the combination of a resort city with authentic architecture. Scandinavians, Germans, Dutch, and Ukrainians regularly vacation here. They are attracted by real estate prices, cuisine, warm weather, sandy beaches, and access to historical sites. In the fall, it is cooler here than in Egypt. However, there are often days when you can walk around in one T-shirt.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA told you where to relax in Europe in the fall.

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