
Where did the black lump on top of the banana come from: can it be eaten

Yulia PoteriankoNews
Where did the black lump on top of the banana come from: can it be eaten

Botany is not as simple a science as it seems to non-specialists. For example, according to the botanical classification, bananas are berries, while strawberries are not. Equally interesting is what scientists consider a small black lump at the tip of a tropical fruit.

According to IFL Science, non-specialists often call it a seed. However, banana seeds are arranged quite differently.

It is not so easy to see them. After all, most bananas that are now sold in stores and markets are of the Cavendish variety, and it usually does not produce seeds.

If you look at the fruits of other varieties of this plant, you can see the seeds in the thickness of their flesh. Just cut the banana lengthwise and look at the long line in the center that runs through the entire fruit - it contains them.

And the bump at the tip is the remains of the flower from which the fruit (or rather berry) grew. Bananas grow on trees in clusters, and the short end is actually the top of the fruit, and the hard stem is the bottom. Many people eat bananas by first breaking off the stem, and the lump, like the rest of a flower, is often a surprise.

This lump is harder than the rest of the fruit and has a bitter taste, so not everyone dares to eat it. But scientists say that it poses no health hazard and is edible. So to eat it or not to eat it is a matter of personal taste.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you what would happen if you ate bananas every day.

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