
"Where are my bangs? You crazy motherfucker!" A Russian man swore at a barber in Thailand and took vicious revenge on his hairstyle

Russian tourist in Thailand takes revenge on barber for cut bangs

A new scandal happened to a Russian tourist in a popular resort in Thailand. While visiting a hairdresser, the barber cut off his bangs, which, given the strong reaction, were almost the most precious thing he had. The Russian was very angry and took revenge on his "offender".

Apparently, because of his anger, the tourist forgot that almost no one outside his home country knows Russian, so he swore with all the words he could think of, hoping to be understood. Later, the tourist decided that he should not be the only one to suffer from the lack of bangs, so he shaved off some of his hair at a barber. According to Russian media, the Thai man filed a police report, and the offender was put on the wanted list.

It turned out that due to a lack of vocabulary, the tourist was unable to explain what kind of haircut he wanted, but only showed how long he wanted to leave it. The CCTV video shows that the preferences of the Russian client were apparently not taken into account.

''Where are my bangs? You crazy motherfucker!'' A Russian man swore at a barber in Thailand and took vicious revenge on his hairstyle

"What are you doing f***? Are you a f***? Where are my bangs, f***? You crazy motherfucker, I show you, what the f***? B*tch, f***!" the Russian said violently.

He then picked up a trimmer and shaved off some of the barber's hair. "Go, f*ck, enjoy yourself," the disgruntled tourist said his last words before leaving.

''Where are my bangs? You crazy motherfucker!'' A Russian man swore at a barber in Thailand and took vicious revenge on his hairstyle

Interestingly, the barber did not say a word during the client's tumultuous monologue and stood there, almost without moving. He later filed a police report for defamation.

His stress tolerance was appreciated by Internet users on social network X. "I admire the barber's stress tolerance, he stood there as if this happens every day: "Well, shit, only my hair has grown back since the last time!", "The barber is standing there looking at me, and his eyes are so kind. He could have just used a razor!"

The Russian also received "nice things" from commenters: "And then they wonder why they are not loved or respected anywhere", "The client can't speak, and the barber is to blame", "This moron doesn't even realize how much he has ruined the reputation of Russian speakers in Thailand".

Earlier, OBOZ.UA reported that another Russian "ruined the reputation of the nation". He caused a riot in the administration of Pukhket. In addition to damaging property, he also stole a motorcycle from a local resident.

Only verified information is available on the OBOZ.UA Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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