
When tired of skiing and snowboarding: top winter activities

Albina PanchenkoNews
What to do in winter

Every winter, there comes a time when you realize that you are no longer drawn to the slopes. You've had enough, and you want something new and no less exciting. But what else can you do in the snowy season? We'll tell you what else you can do.

Go hiking in the mountains

You can conquer the slopes all winter long. After all, at this time, unlike in summer, there are several options for getting to the top. You can overcome rocky hills without equipment, just moving on your own two feet. Or you can get on skis and walk to the final stop. Another way is to buy snowshoes and use them to climb up the mountain.

By the way, these boards help you get through terrain where the snow is deep and often falls through. So it is better to bring such equipment with you, even if you do not plan to use it.

What should you know? It's not a good idea to just pack up and go. You need to think about the trip to the smallest detail. Take the necessary amount of food and water. Also, don't forget to take care of the night. To do this, make routes through kolybas - shepherds' dwellings that are left open for travelers in the winter. Or take a tent and a warm sleeping bag. Our advice: it's better to be safe and still take everything you need to sleep, even if you plan to stay in houses. Situations vary.

And another important point: no alcoholic beverages. It's dangerous in the mountains, and even a small amount of vodka or wine can cause trouble.

When tired of skiing and snowboarding: top winter activities

Traveling on frozen bodies of water

If peaks and mountain meadows are not for you, you can explore lakes, which are also popularly called ice deserts. But there is one main condition: you should go on such an outing only after a week of frost. This way, you can be sure that the water is frozen and does not pose a threat to life.

How to choose a location? The best criterion is the presence of fishermen with cars. They are an indication that the ice is strong and will withstand you. It is better to go not alone, but in a group. You need to move in a chain, with each team member holding onto a rope. And one more point: avoid the area where reeds grow. The ice surface here is too fragile, even in severe frosts.

When tired of skiing and snowboarding: top winter activities

Go for a bike ride

Who says you can only ride an iron horse in the summer? Winter cycling is just as good. Moreover, you can travel anywhere on a two-wheeler. Even in the mountains, across frozen reservoirs, or in the steppes. The main thing is to choose the right equipment that will make you feel comfortable. Just don't wear too many layers of clothing because you will quickly sweat and freeze.

Traveling on such bikes at this time of year is much better than in the heat. Don't forget to prepare your vehicle before traveling, as your safety depends on it.

When tired of skiing and snowboarding: top winter activities

Go ice climbing

This is an extreme sport that has many fans. When waterfalls turn into bizarre ice cliffs, people go to conquer them. This activity is somewhat similar to mountaineering, but instead of stone blocks, you need to overcome slippery ice.

You can't learn and train on your own! There are many travel clubs that organize such trips.

When tired of skiing and snowboarding: top winter activities


Perhaps you're bored with ordinary slopes, not with skiing or snowboarding? Then try this sport, but only on one condition: if you can easily overcome black tracks and know how to go down a surface with different angles.

There are two options for you. Take a lift and ride off the ski route. Where the road is completely uneven and unexplored. Where nature has arranged its own jumps and obstacles in the form of stumps, knots, and cliffs. Or you can forget about the lift and walk to the top on foot, and then conquer the uncharted terrain.

When tired of skiing and snowboarding: top winter activities

Try yourself in orienteering

Running in snowy places, climbing peaks, crossing swamps - why not? So what if it's winter? It's even more interesting and fun.

In Ukraine, relay races are held every year in winter. They are no different from the summer ones: you have to do the same things. The only difference is the weather conditions. But fans of such tournaments say that it is at this time that more excitement awakens because it is much more difficult to cross the same fords. You can't take off your clothes, so you have to think of a different way to build the route.

Heavy clothes also get in the way. Of course, it is much easier to move in a T-shirt and shorts. But when you are there, among people who love orienteering, everything seems less exhausting. Passion and extreme sports win the day. Take a chance; we are sure you will enjoy it.

In winter, there are plenty of entertainment options! Discover new horizons: climb the mountains, compete in teams, look for checkpoints, conquer a frozen waterfall, or saddle up your bike and go on a short trip.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA told you where to relax in Ukraine in winter.

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