
Titanic disaster could have been much worse: video simulation scares the web

Yulia PoteriankoNews
The night of the Titanic sinking was very dark and moonless

The disaster of the Titanic, which sank on the night of April 15, 1912, still arouses great interest among people. Books are written about it and movies are made about it, but people still have a very rough idea of what the accident looked like.

Mass culture, including James Cameron's movie, depicts the Titanic tragedy in the smallest detail. But the whole picture of the incident in the form of an accelerated video simulation of the events of that night appeared on the social network X (formerly Twitter) on the Science girl page, and scared the network even more.

At first, the video gives us a standard view of the circumstances of the Titanic's sinking. In particular, the amount of light that surrounded the scene of the tragedy. Then the video shows the actual situation in the North Atlantic Ocean that night. There was no moon in the sky at the time - only stars were the source of natural light. Therefore, the darkness was almost pitch black. People who found themselves in the icy water could see almost nothing around them. The lights on board the ship were also rapidly fading.

The video impressed social media users. "This darkness, this horror, this pain, this fear," wrote one commenter. "Wow, it's 1000 times scarier in the dark," added another. "Yes, it was in total darkness, it must have been so scary," agreed a third. Some people found the spectacle both heartbreaking and fascinating. "We often forget how dark the night really is away from our own light sources," one commenter concluded.

However, some commenters disagreed with this colorful interpretation. Some reminded us that the human eye can adapt to darkness and distinguish some details of the environment even on the darkest night.

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