
The most beautiful streets in the world: top places for magnificent walks

Albina PanchenkoNews
What to see around the world

Every city or town has avenues, boulevards, and alleys. Usually, when traveling, we don't pay attention to them. We walk along the cobblestone streets, heading towards old buildings or architectural monuments. Only occasionally does your gaze involuntarily stop on a building that is hidden among other equally exceptional homes. At such moments, you realize that every stretch of the path is worth considering. Inconspicuous roads lead us to famous gems even at first glance.

Today we're going to tell you about the streets that you should definitely take a walk along at least once in your life.

Lombard Street (San Francisco)

A world-famous street that reminds some travelers of a roller coaster, while others see a giant boa constrictor crawling between houses. Its history began in 1922 when local authorities were faced with the issue of laying a route for cars. Nothing out of the ordinary. But it only seems so. After all, the angle of the terrain is 25 degrees. A straight route would be inappropriate and dangerous for drivers. Therefore, it was decided to tame the bumpy slopes by dividing them into small sections.

The avenue can only be driven at a speed of 8 kilometers per hour, and only from top to bottom as it is one-way. Even with these restrictions, minor collisions are unavoidable. There are minor accidents almost every day and, of course, long traffic jams.

It's always crowded and noisy because tourists love to come here. Even though you can't feel your legs at all after such a journey, you can only walk along a pedestrian path with small bushes and flowers planted along its sides. There are no tall trees so that you can see the beauty of the "snake" from any point.

The most beautiful streets in the world: top places for magnificent walks

Abbey Road (London)

The busiest street in the capital with almost nothing to boast of. It's an ordinary neighborhood with gray and unremarkable buildings. But tourists come here from all over the world. The Beatles made this place famous. It was in the studio on this street that the musicians recorded their last studio album. And it was at this pedestrian crossing that they took a picture and put it on the cover of the album.

Since then, fans of the Liverpool band have been coming here to capture the locations where their idols used to walk.

The most beautiful streets in the world: top places for magnificent walks

Grafton Street (Dublin)

The place attracts tourists with its establishments. There are numerous bars, pubs, souvenir shops, and the famous Irish Whiskey Museum. Street musicians, poets, and mimes who constantly entertain visitors add a special charm.

There are no cars here, the road is completely pedestrian. It starts from St. Stephens Green Park and leads to College Green Square. This is the main shopping artery for the capital, so shopping enthusiasts will find many shops and stores here.

The most beautiful streets in the world: top places for magnificent walks

Champs Elysees (Paris)

Almost everyone on the planet has heard of this street. It is a star among other famous boulevards and alleys. It is mentioned in movies, described in novels, and worshipped in poems. And there is nothing to be surprised about because it is really beautiful.

By the way, its name is closely related to Greek mythology. This is what the Greeks called the gardens of paradise, which were intended for heroes and virtuous people.

The avenue starts from the Square of Concord and stretches to the Arc de Triomphe. Of course, these two locations are worth visiting. We also recommend visiting the Greenhouse Museum, walking across the Alexander III Bridge, and visiting the Grand Palais and Petit Palais pavilions, where various exhibitions are constantly held.

The most beautiful streets in the world: top places for magnificent walks

Wall Street (New York)

There is probably no one who hasn't heard of this place. This is the financial center of New York, where the famous stock exchange is located. The street is actually small and very narrow. It starts from Broadway and leads to the East River.

The name itself comes from the city wall, which was built by the Dutch to defend their settlements. The fence served as a shield that protected the newcomers from attacks by Indian tribes.

Nerudova Street (Prague)

One of the most beautiful streets in Europe. It is named after the Czech writer Jan Neruda, known for his humorous stories. It is very cozy and comfortable here. The neighborhood is dotted with colorful pastel-colored houses, and their facades are decorated with various decorations.

The most beautiful streets in the world: top places for magnificent walks

Carpet (La Orotava, Canary Islands)

From the name, it is clear that the main feature of the alley is the carpet decor. But it's not just a covering, it's a work of art made of volcanic sand. The compositions on the road look very beautiful, bright and realistic. It seems as if you are walking through a palace decorated with royal tapestries.

When you are going on a trip, be sure to look for places to wander to admire the architectural wonders and see something unusual for yourself. Every city has such special streets and avenues. Therefore, note the locations and be sure to take a walk along them.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA told you about the most beautiful parks in Europe.

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