
As far away from megacities as possible: traveling through the most picturesque villages of the world

Albina PanchenkoNews
The most beautiful villages in Europe

For some reason, many people associate villages with something abandoned and not worthy of attention. But the reality is quite different. There are many places in Ukraine that are worth visiting. And even more so in Europe. If you're not a fan of the hustle and bustle and large crowds of tourists, go to tiny European locations. Read below to find out which ones.

Wengen, Switzerland

This is the perfect place for a ski vacation. Europeans love to come here because there are many trails of varying difficulty. There are blue, green and red routes, so both professionals and beginners will feel comfortable here.

It's also not so noisy and crowded, although there are plenty of outdoor enthusiasts. In summer, tourists go hiking, and in winter, they conquer the slopes. Therefore, only in the low season do the town's residents have a break from visitors. During this period, they are actively preparing for a new influx of foreigners. It has already become their way of life and, of course, their main income.

The village is very picturesque. When you look at it from above, it seems as if you are admiring a Christmas card. Just imagine: the mighty Alps are all around, and wooden houses covered with snow are scattered somewhere below.  It's a beauty and nothing else.

And the mountain air here is very clean. The locals don't use cars, and tourists are not allowed to either. So getting here is not an easy task. You have to get to Lauterbrunnen, and then rent an electric vehicle or walk. But don't worry, the locations are not far from each other. So the journey will not be as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

As far away from megacities as possible: traveling through the most picturesque villages of the world

Bibury, United Kingdom

Among other English villages, this is one of the most visited. And there is a logical explanation for this. The villagers still do not recognize burnt bricks. They build all their houses from local shell rock in combination with oolite and egg stone. Even if reconstruction is needed, the same materials are used. The old ones are replaced with new ones, and that's all the reconstruction. First of all, tourists are attracted to these buildings. Travelers go hundreds of thousands of kilometers to see them. They do it for a reason.

Bibury is a real paradise for artists and poets. This is the place where they get inspired and find their muse. And, of course, they write new masterpieces. For example, William Morris almost settled here. He came here quite often.

As in the previous village, there is no public transportation. The locals do their best to preserve the pristine beauty of nature.

As far away from megacities as possible: traveling through the most picturesque villages of the world

Savoca, Italy

If you are a fan of the Godfather movie, you should visit this colorful Sicilian village. You can do it on your own or in the company of like-minded people with a guide. Various excursions are always organized here. The locals joke that their hometown has turned into a real open-air museum. After all, tourists are constantly crowding near the locations where the filming took place, especially near the Church of St. Lucia and the Vitelli Bar.

You'll be surprised, but besides the famous attractions, there are many more sights to see. Visit the Capuchin monastery and be sure to go to the ruins of the Castello di Pentefur.

As far away from megacities as possible: traveling through the most picturesque villages of the world

Eze, France

You won't believe it, but tourists instantly forget about Nice and Monaco when they come here for the first time. Usually, they come for a day to take a break from the hustle and bustle of popular megacities and stay for at least a weekend.

Just imagine: pretty houses with red roofs huddle together on the rocky hills that reach up to the sky. The buildings seem to be firmly glued to the ground and hang from different heights. This picture instantly sticks in your memory and stays there forever.

However, it is more than just landscapes. The village has many ancient sights that are worth visiting. Most often, guests of the town go to the ruins of the medieval castle, which was destroyed by order of Louis XIV. The monarch was very afraid that this strategic object would be captured by the Spaniards. Therefore, he decided to act fast and wipe it off the map. Only the walls remained of the beautiful fortress, but they are, without exaggeration, beautiful.

Tourists also like to walk along the Nietzsche Trail, which stretches from the edge of the settlement to the sea. The path is surrounded by a variety of coniferous trees. Walking here, the philosopher was so inspired that he wrote his famous book "Thus Spoke Zarathustra".

As far away from megacities as possible: traveling through the most picturesque villages of the world

If you're tired of bustling metropolitan areas, you should take a closer look at these picturesque European villages. Here you will take a break from the bustle of the city, reboot your mind and just enjoy your vacation.

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