
You shouldn't pet: why cats show their owners their bellies

Alina MilsentLife
Why you should not touch the cat's stomach

It is difficult to resist the temptation to pet the cat's belly, especially when the pet stretches lazily on its back. Some owners think that in this way a cat shows trust and asks to scratch its belly, but no.

The belly is a very vulnerable spot, and there's a good chance you'll get a nudge and a claw in return. The experts at Satster tell us why it's best not to touch a cat's belly.

Unlike dogs, which love almost all tactile touches, cats are more reserved. The percentage of cats that really like it when their owners scratch their belly is quite low.

According to veterinarians, natural instincts cause animals to not show too much vulnerability. Cats will guard their bellies against unnecessary touching, because their vital organs are only millimeters away from their thin skin.


Even if the cat lies stretched out on his back, this does not mean an "invitation" to scratch his tummy. It's just that the animal really feels safe around you. So you should not "break" the trust by starting to pet, scratch or tickle a vulnerable spot.

If you do decide to touch the cat's belly, to see if the gesture may please the pet, veterinarians advise to do it very carefully. Sit down next to him, slowly stretch out your hand and if you see obvious signs of discontent - twitching of the tail tip, suspicious glance at your hand - do not provoke the pet and give up the idea to scratch his belly.

By the way, scientists found out how to find a common language with a cat. It turns out that the main secret is to learn how to smile at your pet, but not in a human way, but in a cat way. Read in this article how to do it.

Previously OBOZREVATEL told how to determine by behavior that the cat is stressed and help him to overcome the problem.

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