
The harvest will increase threefold: how to properly prune pear trees in the autumn

Julia PeschanskayaLife
How to prune pear trees in the autumn

Autumn pruning of fruit trees is one of the most important stages in their development. Carefully removing diseased and damaged branches is essential to increase the yield in the following season. However, not everyone knows how to do it correctly without harming the tree.

OBOZ.UA has gathered effective tips to help you manage this. Pruning not only impacts fruit production but also the tree's crown, improves fruit quality, and prevents pests and diseases.

The best time to prune a pear tree is after the harvest when the tree is in a dormant state. For this, you'll need sharp pruning shears, which should be cleaned and disinfected to eliminate germs and bacteria.

In the first year of the tree's life, shorten the trunk and remove vertical shoots to allow the lateral fruiting branches to grow and strengthen. Ensure the removal of dry and unnecessary branches to shape the crown. Cut the side branches to the first bud.

In the second year of the pear tree's life, trim the top by 20-25 cm and shorten the side branches by 6-8 cm. Remove excess branches on the second tier so that the lower shoots can form correctly.

Vertical branches should also be removed because they block sunlight from reaching the lower part of the tree. After pruning, treat the wounds with garden wax or a specialized agent to prevent disease development.

In the third year of the pear tree's life, continue to shorten the top and side branches. Remove all crooked, upright, and dry shoots. Ensuring the tree receives sufficient sunlight and nutrients is essential.

After pruning, pay attention to young shoots; if they disrupt the crown's shape, they should also be removed.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA provided information on how to fertilize fruit trees in the fall to ensure a bountiful harvest the following year.

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