
Which fish will definitely survive in an aquarium: undemanding species

Alina MilsentLife
How to choose fish for the aquarium correctly

Some types of aquarium fish require specific conditions, and mistakes can even lead to the death of fish.

For beginners, it is advised to choose undemanding species that are easy to breed. OBOZREVATEL has selected the top 10 species that you should consider first.


Guppies confidently hold the top spot in the rating of aquarium fish. They come in a variety of colors and are great for general aquariums. Ideally, you should buy a school of 6-10 individuals in a 50-liter tank. Guppies should not be kept with fish that can bite their fins.

Danio rerio

This is a schooling fish species, so you need to buy at least 6 individuals. Danios are very mobile and need space to swim. They are undemanding in their diet; dry food in the form of flakes is suitable.


There are many species of swordfish, and they differ in color and shape. Adults can grow up to 8-10 cm. They are very active, so it's recommended to choose an aquarium with a lid. It is also recommended to plant live plants in the aquarium. It's better to have 2-3 females for one male to prevent aggression among males.


A characteristic feature of the species is that females grow larger than males. Most often, mollies are black in color. Many people choose the sail molly because of its characteristic appearance with a developed dorsal fin, but this species is prone to aggression towards other fish species.


Ancistrus have a dark gray color with white spots and reach 10-12 cm in length. They are compatible with most fish species and feel great in an aquarium of 50 liters or more. Experts advise buying natural driftwood for the Ancistrus, which the fish like to scrape.


Tetras are small fish, 3-4 cm long, with transverse stripes on their silvery bodies. Tetras should be purchased in schools of at least 6 individuals. To keep them, it is necessary to arrange areas with thickets of plants and free swimming areas in the aquarium.

Betta Fish (Siamese Fighting Fish)

Betta fish are often called 'fighting' fish due to the intolerance of males to each other. These fish are 5-6 cm in size. Today there are more than 70 species of bettas, different in color. Betta fish are very undemanding and can be bred in aquariums with a capacity of 7 liters or more. It is essential that the air above the water is not too cold.

Corydoras Catfish

These are peaceful, active, curious catfish that like to clean the bottom of aquariums from food debris. They have a gray-olive spotted color. They should be kept in schools in an aquarium of 30 liters or more.

Sumatra Barb

Silver barbs with four transverse stripes are very peaceful fish that can become aggressive if an important rule is not followed. These fish should be purchased in schools of 6 or more. If the number is less, the barbs will be aggressive towards their aquarium neighbors. Fish with veiled fins should also not be placed next to barbs to avoid potential fin damage.

Marble Gourami

The adult fish reaches 10-13 cm. For a comfortable existence, you need to buy an aquarium of at least 80 liters. Gouramis should be purchased either in pairs or in small groups. It is important that there are more females than males. Gouramis are undemanding in their diet, eating all kinds of food.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told what kind of pet is better for children.

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