
Store-bought fertilizers are not needed: how to quickly feed indoor plants

Alina MilsentLife
Top fertilizers for indoor plants

Indoor plants need care and periodic fertilization. It's also important to pay attention to proper watering, optimal light levels, and pruning of dry shoots.

You can use improvised ingredients as fertilizers for indoor plants. These are eco-friendly and simple products that will effectively stimulate growth and flowering. Read OBOZREVATEL's article to find out if you can fertilize indoor plants with coffee grounds and why garlic is good for flowers.

How to make fertilizer from coffee grounds

Coffee grounds fertilizer will be useful for indoor plants, but it should be used carefully. Excessive amounts of coffee can damage the roots.

After collecting the coffee grounds from the cup, you should leave them to dry for several days. Then apply a thin layer of it to the soil surface around the plants and moisten it with water so that the coffee dissolves. You can do this fertilization once every few weeks.

Tea leaves as a fertilizer

It's not the packaged tea leaves that are suitable as fertilizer, but the leaves left over after brewing tea. They are poured with water, allowed to brew and cool to room temperature. You can water indoor plants with the brew twice a month.

How to make potato broth

Potato broth will accelerate the growth of the plant, as it contains nutrients necessary for active development. It is very easy to prepare the broth:

  1. Dice 1-2 tubers and boil them in water (optimally 2 liters) for 30 minutes.
  2. Strain the broth and wait for it to cool.
  3. Dilute the broth with water in a 1:3 ratio.

Water the plants no more than once a week.

Garlic fertilization

Garlic has antifungal and antimicrobial properties, so it can be useful as a fertilizer for indoor plants.

  1. Take 2 cloves of garlic and cover them with a liter of water.
  2. Put it in a dark place and leave it for a day.
  3. After infusion, the solution should be diluted with water in a 1:5 ratio. It is important that the fertilizer is not too concentrated. You should not use garlic fertilization too often, once every 1-2 months is enough.

Eggshell fertilizer

There are several ways to prepare this fertilizer. The first and easiest is to grind the shell to a powder and sprinkle it on the soil around the plant.

The shells contain calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are useful for improving the immune system and healthy development of the plant.

Another way to use shells is to make a solution from them:

  1. Pour hot water over the eggshells.
  2. Insist on the solution for three days.
  3. You can water the flowers no more than once a week.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you how to remove white coating from flower pots.

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