
Reject the 'Soviet' mindset: what old Soviet habits ruin our lives

Alina MilsentLife
Old Soviet habits spoil our lives

More than thirty years have passed since the collapse of the USSR, and the generation born and raised in independence now defends the country's freedom at the front. However, there is still a category of people who live by Soviet stereotypes and are unwilling to give up the "Soviet" type of thinking.

These individuals still defer life for later, store new dishes in the sideboard, and save the things they purchase "for a special occasion." Read OBOZREVATEL's article about how Soviet habits spoil life and why you should abandon them immediately.

The best is for later

The war was supposed to teach us to appreciate the present and not to postpone life for later. We do not know how much time we have in this life, so we should make the most of every moment and every day. This applies to everything—clothes, dishes, delicious food, hobbies, creativity.

Soviet times were a period of shortages, queues, and austerity. Soviet people were taught from an early age to live in anticipation of better times, of a fictional fairy-tale communism, to keep money under their mattresses, and crystal dishes in the sideboard.

It's time to get rid of this nonsense. These are fundamentally wrong attitudes that spoil life. So make breakfast in new dishes, set an expensive table, wear your favorite dress without waiting for a special occasion, and make your bed with a beautiful blanket that has been collecting dust in the closet for years. The right day is today, the right time is now.

Reject the 'Soviet' mindset: what old Soviet habits ruin our lives

Things "to go out"

If you still wear old, greasy bathrobes at home and keep beautiful things "for going out," please accept our condolences; you continue to live with the "Soviet" mindset.

And if you've been waiting for an opportunity to discard old clothes and put on perfect jeans instead of stretched sweatpants, it's time to act; it's a sign.

By the way, it will be much more pleasant for your family to see you in a well-groomed and tidy appearance every day.

Reject the 'Soviet' mindset: what old Soviet habits ruin our lives

The rule of the empty plate

Probably, most of us grew up under the scrutiny of followers of Soviet "table etiquette," the main rule of which reads: "you can't leave the table until you've eaten everything." The main course is with bread, soup, or borscht for lunch and compote for dessert. The traditions of "Soviet" upbringing were established from kindergarten and carefully maintained by the postwar generation of typical Soviet grandmothers. If you have not experienced the "pressure of empty plates," you are very lucky.

The explanation is simple and not very happy. There was a food shortage in the USSR, and the older generations experienced a terrible famine.

But stop living by Soviet "canteen" stereotypes. You shouldn't finish eating stale food just to avoid throwing it away. You don't have to keep soup or borscht in the fridge for weeks until it's all consumed. Don't force your child to eat too much if they are already full.

Reject the 'Soviet' mindset: what old Soviet habits ruin our lives

What will people say?

This point probably should have been addressed first. Soviet people's dependence on the opinions of others was simply catastrophic. It is not surprising, given the policy of total collectivism of opinions and the suppression of dissent that bore fruit. Standing out was not accepted; it was considered shameful to be different.

The opinion of a friend, brother, matchmaker, neighbor, colleague, or party often carried more weight than one's own. Not standing out was almost a basic rule for a Soviet person because resistance and dissent were punishable.

We live in an era of free choice and tolerance. You are responsible for your life and your actions. So, stop worrying about what people will say.

Reject the 'Soviet' mindset: what old Soviet habits ruin our lives

Advantages of "blat"

The Soviet "blat" is the foundation of corruption, which still runs deep in society. In the USSR, it was customary to have "your own" people - in the military enlistment office, city council, hospital, and anywhere else in the administrative apparatus. "Your own" people could resolve anything on a whim. This was considered the norm. As gratitude, they received a box of chocolates, coffee, and alcohol, without which the Soviet system of "blat" simply could not exist.

This practice must be halted.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told why the USSR produced canned water.

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