
Peonies will bloom even more abundantly: what to treat the bushes with in spring

Alina MilsentLife
How to grow large peonies

Peonies traditionally hold one of the top spots in the ranking of favorite flowers. Lush, graceful, and delicate, these flowers leave few people indifferent. Peonies are not overly demanding plants, making them easy to grow in the garden. The key is to remember that these flowers prefer open, sunny locations protected from drafts and strong winds.

It's advisable not to plant peonies in wetlands with high humidity. Experienced gardeners emphasize the importance of treating peonies well in the spring to prevent the occurrence of various diseases. Read OBOZREVATEL's article on how to cultivate lush and vibrant flowers.

Gray rot is particularly dangerous for peonies. Cool, windy, and humid weather in early spring contributes to the appearance of gray mold. The disease spreads rapidly, affecting almost the entire peony bush, including buds, stems, and leaves. Gray rot poses a significant threat to flowers, and plants may succumb to it entirely.

According to experts, to prevent gray rot, peony bushes should be treated with fungicides containing copper, such as Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate.

Treatment should commence as soon as sprouts emerge on the surface. It is crucial not to delay, waiting until the leaves are fully bloomed, as it might be too late.

By the way, before peonies start growing actively, you can fertilize the bushes and prune the tops of the shoots. Pruning helps them grow thicker and more magnificent. Peony bushes bear large and heavy flowers, and the shoots may struggle to withstand this weight.

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