
Only failures await: which month in 2024 will be the worst for each sign

Find out how to get through your difficult period with the least losses

The desire to lay down straws is natural and correct – we insure ourselves against failure. And the horoscope can tell us when exactly this failure may befall us.

Astrologers have carefully considered the star charts for 2024 and named the months that will be associated with the highest risk of failure for all zodiac signs. Read on to find out when you need to be extra careful.

Aries – September

In 2024, Aries' passionate desire for self-discovery will be realized. But you'll hit a bump in the road with the start of the Virgo season. Starting in September, everything could be in jeopardy. By this time, there will be so much anxiety and tension that you may feel like you can't handle it. Give yourself time to rest and recover.

Taurus – June

Taurus needs stability, and in June, it will be most severely affected. In your personal life and career, you'll be under a lot of pressure, which will lead to stress. It will be difficult for you to make wise choices. So don't neglect the advice of people you trust.

Gemini – January

Geminis love adventure and the transition from winter to spring should be a good time for you to do so. But your year started with a period of anxiety and obsessive thoughts about failure, and you haven't recovered from it yet. Try to find your natural optimism.

Cancer – May

May will bring Cancers a test in love. Whether you are in a relationship or single, avoid any big decisions. You will encounter many misunderstandings that can greatly affect such decisions in a bad way. Just take a break and pay attention to something else.

Leo – July

Almost all of your season will be spent under the sign of Mercury retrograde, and you will begin to feel its destructive influence well in advance. It will be difficult for you to be patient in July and this can lead to serious mistakes. Try to control yourself and count to 10 before saying anything.

Virgo – August

The month of Mercury retrograde will be especially disruptive to Virgo's plans. Things will not go as you expected, and your efforts will often backfire. You'll feel underestimated, and this will bring great disappointment. Rely on your inner self-esteem rather than on the opinions of others and you will feel better.

Libra – August

Mercury retrograde will have a bad effect on Libra's mood. You will be swinging on an emotional seesaw. You will try to resolve your internal conflicts, but all efforts will be in vain. So just try to ground yourself and look for joy in the beauty of the world.

Scorpio – July

Under the guise of a strong Scorpio personality, you have a very sensitive soul. You seek harmony only with those who are close to you. But in July, there will be a lot of drama with these people. Even committed partnerships may be on the verge of collapse. So just try not to let others make you feel bad and irritated.

Sagittarius – October

Sagittarians hate staying in one place for a long time, it makes them anxious. And in October, this anxiety will be the most unbearable. Try not to give in to it, because you will have to wait out a difficult period. Distract yourself with something pleasant to cope with it.

Capricorn – July

In the middle of the summer, you will feel very exhausted. Take a step back, stop knocking on closed doors, and focus on yourself. Take care of your well-being, including your emotional well-being, and you will be able to overcome this difficult month.

Aquarius – July

Aquarius will have to face difficult challenges in their romantic life. Pay close attention to your feelings and be sincere with your partner. This will allow you to smooth out the sharp corners and get through the turbulence without loss.

Pisces – October

Pisces will find it difficult to contain their emotions in October. You'll try your best to maintain an optimistic outlook on life, but you won't be able to do so well. This will lead to confusion and despondency. So set yourself limits on the level of drama and practice patience.

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