
Is it permissible to correct other people's language errors: what etiquette says

Alina MilsentLife
Business etiquette rules

The impression of a person is largely formed by speech: words, voice, timbre, ability to express your opinion, and correctly formulate sentences. Psychologists recommend a simple exercise: you need to record a five-minute video where you impromptu tell a story, for example, an impression of a movie or plans for the next weekend. Carefully trace the weak points in the story, look at your facial expressions, and pay attention to your intonation - this is a great way to check yourself and improve your communication skills.

Sometimes, when communicating with an unfamiliar person, we notice that the interlocutor makes gross speech errors. Anna Chaplyhina, an expert in behavior modeling, told us whether it is possible, according to the rules of etiquette, to correct the speech mistakes of others.

Rule 1: About slang and professional terms

If you are communicating with a person who may not know some professional terms, avoid narrow-profile and slang words. For example, if a client comes to you with an order, and you, trying to show your high professionalism, start operating with "updates," "outsourcing," "bug reports," and "proves" - in all probability, the customer will not understand you.

Rule 2: About mistakes

Other people's mistakes in accents or pronunciation don't need to be corrected, especially if you're sitting in a meeting or negotiation. It is impolite and demeaning to point out mistakes to colleagues, and especially to management.

If mistakes are damaging to the company's reputation, you can be careful to say so during a face-to-face conversation. Alternatively, send out (if authorized) or ask the manager's secretary to send out templates for partners' answers and the correct pronunciation of all professional terms. Alternatively, gently insert a problematic word into the conversation so that the colleague hears the correct pronunciation.

Rule 3: Politeness

Do not interrupt the interlocutor, even despite the fervor of emotion or lack of time. Allow the person to complete their opinion. Try to wait for a pause in a calm and measured manner - this way, at least, there is a chance that your counterarguments will be heard.

Rule 4: On reflection

Don't rush your answers. You should take a few seconds to weigh your words and clearly formulate a response. And if you don't know what to say, just say, "I need to think about it," or "Your question requires more thought."

Rule 5: About tone and timbre

Don't shout or raise your voice. It is better to speak literally half a tone lower than your normal tone - this applies to conversations with strangers or business partners. Speak kindly, naturally, calmly. Focus your attention, look, and voice on the interlocutor.

Earlier OBOZREVATEL told you about the rules of etiquette at the interview, which will help to get a job.

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