
How to wash off different types of old stains: simple and effective ways

Alina MilsentLife
How to remove old stains

It's not always worth spending money on expensive chemicals to get rid of old dirt. A few cheap and useful life hacks will help you remove even the most difficult stains.

Salt, baking soda, citric acid, vinegar, and ammonia are indispensable laundry helpers. Read the OBOZREVATEL article to find out how to remove wine spilled on clothes and what works best with grease.

How to remove grease stains

Alcohol and white spirit are the best for removing grease. However, be careful as organic solvents can ruin fine fabrics, wool, and synthetics.

If the grease stain is not yet dry, rub it with salt. Repeat the procedure several times. Then soak the fabric in warm water and machine wash it. You can also use shaving foam. Glycerin, alkalis and surfactants will dissolve grease if you leave the foam on your clothes for at least 10 minutes.

For the next life hack, take salt and ammonia in a 1:1 ratio. Apply the solution to the stain and wait 15 minutes. Next, soak the fabric for several hours in warm whey. This is a very effective way to clean oily kitchen towels.

Alternatively, you can use mustard by diluting the powder with warm water to the consistency of sour cream. After 40 minutes, you can put the laundry in the washing machine.

Laundry soap and sugar are also effective. Rub the stain with soap and sprinkle with sugar for 10 minutes. After wiping with a damp brush, send the clothes to the machine.

What to do with wine stains

If you have stained your clothes or tablecloth with wine, you need to act quickly.

You can quickly treat the stain with lemon juice or pour boiling water diluted with vinegar.

Experts advise removing stains from denim with salt diluted in warm water. Whey is also good for removing wine stains.

How to treat grass stains

Grass stains are a problem familiar to every mother. They are difficult to wash in the usual way, and sometimes even the most expensive powders do not help.

Use a simple life hack: pour warm water into a glass and add 0.5 tablespoon of ammonia. Then treat the fabric with laundry soap and, after waiting at least an hour, wash the clothes in a machine.

Wine vinegar will help get rid of grass stains. Dip a toothbrush in it and rub the stain. For the vinegar to work, leave the fabric soaking for an hour. Salt will also help. Pour a tablespoon of salt with 100 ml of warm water, then apply the resulting "gruel" to the stain and wash.

Grass can be removed from denim with baking soda, alcohol, and peroxide.

Grass stains do not always come out the first time, so you can use several methods.

What to do with stains from berries and fruits

Tomato, pomegranate, and apple stains cannot be removed with laundry soap.

It is recommended to treat berry stains with a glycerin solution. Take an egg yolk and 30 g of glycerin. Leave the mixture on the stain for several hours and wash it in warm water.

Milk whey will help in the fight against cherry juice, in which you should soak the clothes for 2-3 hours.

Citric acid works well with tomato stains.

How to remove blood stains

Immediately rinse the fabric with cold water. After that, wash it in a washing machine with laundry soap.

You can use acetylsalicylic acid for woolen fabrics by dissolving 2-3 tablets in warm water and rubbing the stain with the mixture. Starch and cold water mixed to a thick consistency will help get rid of stains on silk clothes.

Warm glycerin and saline will help get rid of old blood stains.

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