
How to stretch tight shoes: simple home methods

Alina MilsentLife
How to stretch your shoes

You've bought the perfect shoe: great design, reasonable price, high quality, but there's one thing - it rubs. Experience shows that sometimes not very comfortable shoes made of leather and synthetic leather can be stretched with the help of simple life hacks.

OBOZREVATEL has selected "folk" methods that will help you stretch tight shoes. An important caveat: none of the methods described below is an absolute guarantee of effectiveness. You should be careful not to ruin your shoes because any material has a limit to its elasticity.

How to quickly stretch shoes

Method 1

Our grandmothers have long used the simplest method - boiling water. You need to put your shoes in a basin and pour hot water over them from the inside. Wait for the shoes to cool, put them on your feet, and walk around the apartment until they are completely dry. Do not pour boiling water on patent leather shoes, as the high temperature will damage the material.

Method 2

Alcohol helps to soften the material, so it is often used instead of water to stretch leather shoes. Wet the inside of your shoes with vodka, put the wet shoes on your feet, and wear them until they are completely dry. The material will become softer, and the shoes will stretch by ½ size. The only drawback is the pungent odor, which will take a long time to remove.

Method 3

This method is suitable for leather and suede shoes. Soak terry socks in hot water and put your shoes on the wet socks. Social media users promise that after two hours of this not-so-pleasant procedure, the shoes will become more spacious.

Method 4

In specialized stores, you can buy a variety of chemicals to soften the skin. The advantage of sprays is that they do not leave stains on shoes, have a mostly neutral odor, and do not harm the material. The disadvantage is the price, but this cost will be justified because you will not have to soak your shoes in vodka or sit for several hours in wet socks and shoes that are too tight.

What products are better not to use

Many people may come to the conclusion that if vodka is suitable for stretching shoes, then you can try any alcohol-containing products. However, it is better not to take risks.

Do not put perfume or cologne in your shoes. Do not use essential oils or fatty creams to soften the leather. These products will leave stains on the surface of the shoe that will be impossible to get rid of.

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