
How to store onions to prevent maggots: practical tips

Alina MilsentLife
How to store onions correctly

It's time to harvest the onions. Typically, you begin digging when the leaves turn yellow and fall off, but it's worth remembering that the harvest time depends on the variety and weather conditions.

Onions are not that simple; after several months of storage, midges can appear on them. OBOZREVATEL has figured out how to store onions to avoid midges.

Where to store onions

Onions should not be stored in plastic bags as they will quickly deteriorate due to a lack of air.

Experienced gardeners advise choosing a well-ventilated container. Alternatively, you can use wooden boxes and baskets. Cardboard boxes are also suitable, but you need to cut holes in them.

Our grandmothers used to store onions in nylon tights. You can also buy special nets.

A remedy for midges

When midges appear, you should immediately sort through the onions and throw away the ones that have spoiled. It is important to remove excess husks and transfer the bulbs to a new clean container.

Experts advise preparing a "trap" for midges in advance. Put the rotten fruit in a three-liter jar and pour a little water over it. The lid does not need to be used. Cover the jar with cling film and make holes in it. After that, place the jar in places where midges are concentrated.

How to prevent the appearance of midges

The first step is to dry the onions properly. Store the crop at a temperature not higher than +22°C in the house and not lower than +1 to +5°C in the basement.

The air humidity should be no higher than 80%. Periodically, you need to move the onions and remove excess husks.

Gardeners also store onions next to carrots. Midges don't like this root vegetable.

By the way, yellowing can be a "symptom" of disease or pests. Yellowed leaves also indicate the appearance of bacterial and bottom rot. Damaged plants should be removed immediately, and the bed is recommended to be treated with fungicides.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you how to freeze green onions for the winter.

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