
How to stop buying everything indiscriminately: ways to break the habit

Julia PeschanskayaLife
How to overcome the harmful habit of buying everything

Shops and supermarkets often run various promotions and employ marketing tricks to lure customers into their stores. Most people succumb to the temptation of buying something at a bargain price, even if they don't really need it.

Such impulsive spending can significantly damage your wallet. That's why OBOZREVATEL has found effective tips to help you deal with it.

The habit of "buying everything" can lead to serious consequences. For example, you can get into substantial debt and strain your relationships with loved ones. To solve this problem, you need to recognize it and be prepared to make changes to improve your life.

Create a budget

Realistically assess your income and calculate your monthly expenses for housing, utilities, food, and basic needs. This will help you determine how much money you can spend without going into debt and even save.

Initially, it might be challenging to resist the urge to make the purchase you desire but remember to set a budget and stick to it.

Identify triggers

Determine what exactly motivates you to make impulsive purchases. Perhaps you do it to improve your mood, relieve stress, or simply enjoy the novelty of bringing something home all the time.

You need to find alternative activities or coping strategies. For example, when you feel the urge to go to the store, consider meditating, calling friends for distraction, watching your favorite movie, or listening to music.

The "24-hour" rule

Before buying something, wait for 24 hours. During this time, reflect on why you need this item, how it will benefit you, and how it fits into your daily life. More often than not, you'll realize that you don't need the product at all; it was just an impulsive desire.

Unsubscribe from newsletters

Stores frequently send advertisements to inform consumers about new products or promotions. This can negatively impact people who struggle to control their shopping impulses. Therefore, it's better to unsubscribe from newsletters to reduce their influence on you.

Practice conscious consumption

Before making a purchase, ask yourself a few questions: Do you genuinely need it? Will it add value to your life? Can you afford it within your budget?

By reflecting on these questions, you'll make a conscious decision rather than impulsively buying a product.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you what traps you need to know about before shopping on Black Friday.

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