
How to remove rust stains with natural remedies: three life hacks

Alina MilsentLife
Life hacks against rust

Cleaning rust can be challenging, and even expensive chemicals do not always help. However, using natural products, you can easily clean tiles and floors.

Almost everyone knows that lemon and vinegar are used in cleaning. As it turns out, a tomato can also be an indispensable assistant, according to Sante Plus.

How tomatoes remove rust

The recipe is incredibly simple. First, sprinkle the rust with salt. Then cut the tomato in half and wipe the dirty area with one half. Don't rinse it off - you need to give it time to work. After 7-10 minutes, wipe the area with a soft cloth.

Why is the tomato so effective for removing rust? It's very simple - tomatoes contain citric acid. The tomato life hack is most suitable for ceramic surfaces.

Life hack with lemon

As we have already understood, citric acid will quickly and effectively get rid of rust.

Experts advise squeezing the juice of one lemon into a small container. Add a little salt and stir thoroughly. You don't need much of this mixture - a quarter of a teaspoon should be poured onto the rusty spot and wait at least 10 minutes.

After that, you can clean the dirty spot with an old toothbrush. But be careful - the bristles should be soft.

Life hack with vinegar

This is the easiest life hack; you don't need any salt or preparation of the mixture. Just pour 3 tablespoons of vinegar on the rusty stains. The acidity will remove even old marks. After waiting 5 minutes, wash the dirty spot with a cloth. This procedure can be repeated several times.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL talked about folk methods that will help remove dirt from metal and tiles.

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