
How to quickly get rid of dust on wallpapers: a simple trick

Alina MilsentLife
What to use to remove dust from wallpapers

Dust accumulates on all surfaces - from furniture to the floor. Dust is caused by various factors, including dead epidermal and hair particles, fragments of different fibers, street dust entering through windows during ventilation, pet hair, paper and fabric residues, and more.

Getting rid of dust on wallpaper can be challenging, as there is a risk of damage. OBOZREVATEL has devised an effective life hack that can quickly and safely remove dust from wallpaper.

To clean the wallpaper, you should use a spray bottle. Experts recommend filling it with a mixture of water and conditioner in a 1:3 ratio. In other words, fill 70% of the bottle with water and 30% with conditioner.

Shake the solution well until it becomes homogeneous.

How to quickly get rid of dust on wallpapers: a simple trick

The conditioner should dissolve completely.

Spray the solution evenly onto the wallpaper. Next, use a paper towel or cloth to wipe the surface. Follow the same process with a dry cloth.

People who have already tried this life hack mention that the house is filled with a pleasant aroma, and dust takes longer to settle on surfaces because the air conditioner repels it.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you how to rub tables and shelves to get rid of dust for a long time.

Houseplants, a humidifier, water filters on a vacuum cleaner, and proper cleaning techniques will also help get rid of dust.

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