
How to properly bathe a dog to get rid of a specific odor: basic tips

Alina MilsentLife
How to bathe a dog correctly

Dogs always have a specific odor; it's natural for animals, no matter how often their owners bathe them. It's caused by the microbiome - bacteria and fungi that live and multiply in the thick coat.

When they settle in sebum, these microorganisms feed on lipids and secrete waste, which causes an unpleasant odor. Read the OBOZREVATEL article on how to bathe a dog to get rid of a specific odor.

Features of the "dog" odor

According to veterinarians, fat not only performs a protective function and prevents germs from entering the body but is also a place of bacterial activity. That is, the more fat your pet's skin secretes, the more it will smell unpleasant.

It is impossible to completely cleanse the dog's coat of these microorganisms - it is very dangerous for health. The skin will lose its protection and will not be sufficiently moisturized. There is another side to the coin - excessive growth of bacteria and fungi can destabilize the immune system and cause infectious diseases.

Therefore, for proper hygiene, experts recommend following five important rules:

Rule 1

Daily coat care is the key to healthy skin. Periodically brush the coat, remove dirt from around the ears and eyes, and wipe the paws with a damp towel.

Rule 2

Some dogs like to swim in dirty water. However, this hobby can lead to serious illness and frequent visits to the vet. You should not allow your dog to swim in city lakes, rivers, or ponds. When the moisture begins to evaporate, the fetid odor from the coat will only increase.

Rule 3

Don't forget to bathe your pet regularly. Use special products with the correct pH level. It is forbidden to wash your dog with your personal care products. Be sure to rinse with water several times to remove shampoo residue from the coat. After bathing, blow dry the coat.

How to properly bathe a dog to get rid of a specific odor: basic tips

Rule 4

You can try a special deodorizer for dogs. Spray the deodorizer on clean, dry hair and comb through it. The odor molecules will be broken down.

Rule 5

Dogs with long and thick hair should be regularly groomed. This procedure will prevent matting and, in turn, reduce odor.

And, of course, regularly wash rugs, toys, bedding, and other items that your pet interacts with. They can accumulate bacteria, which can then quickly transfer to the dog's fur.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told how much water a cat and dog should drink per day.

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