
How to organize things in the kitchen and pantry: the best life hacks

Julia PeschanskayaLife
How to organize things in the kitchen

A well-organized kitchen will help you quickly find everything you need and work efficiently. However, not all homeowners know how to achieve this, ensuring that all family members feel comfortable and have easy access in the kitchen.

When designing a home, most people tend to overlook the pantry, leading to organizational challenges when it comes to storing various items. OBOZREVATEL has gathered the best life hacks to help you properly organize your home.

No matter what your kitchen's current state is, you can improve it with affordable and budget-friendly items.

Airtight Containers

Airtight containers are essential for storing various products, foods, and cereals. These containers prevent spoilage of foods like pasta, cereals, and other dry goods by keeping air and moisture out. Transparent containers will help reduce the time spent searching for the right ingredients and maintain an organized environment in your cabinets.


For opaque containers, consider using labels. Labeling your containers allows you to quickly identify their contents and the date they were packaged, making it easier to find what you need. You can purchase labels at the store or create your own.

Spice Sets

Spices are often difficult to locate or may spill, so storing them in small labeled jars is the best approach. You can also use special spice shelves within your cabinet for added organization. This method will help you find the right seasonings quickly.

Pantry Shelves for Canned Goods

Canned goods often consume a significant portion of pantry space. Creating shelves within your pantry is one of the best solutions for organizing them, increasing available space and protecting the jars from breakage.

Labeled Baskets

Baskets are an excellent option for hiding items that may create clutter in your kitchen or pantry. They are especially useful for storing larger items that occupy a lot of space. You can place the baskets on the floor beneath the jar shelves or conceal them inside a cabinet, adding labels to easily identify their contents.

Open Containers

Open containers are similar to transparent plastic boxes. They allow you to store items or products within them, making them immediately visible and saving you time.

Open Food Baskets

These are metal containers resembling grocery store baskets used for storing fruits and vegetables that don't require refrigeration. These baskets enable air circulation, keeping the produce fresh.

Beverage Organizers

Your fridge may not have enough space for all the cans and bottles you need to store at times. In such cases, you can purchase specialized bottle organizers that fit within your fridge or pantry.

Cereal Dispensers

If your kitchen has ample space, you can opt for dedicated cereal dispensers. While these are convenient to use, they require more room than plastic containers. By pressing a handle, you can dispense the desired amount of cereal.

Previously, OBOZREVATEL informed you about the optimal number of towels a diligent homemaker should have in the kitchen to ensure there are enough for all purposes.

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