
How to make your home more comfortable: simple rules

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Live greenery, memories and vintage items are easy ways to make your home cozy

Flipping through the pages of interior designers on social media, we also want to bring the same coziness to our homes as they do. But what if you don't have the money or time for a full-scale renovation and redesign? In fact, you can make your home cozy without significant investments.

OBOZ.UA has collected tips from professional designers and decorators that will help you turn your home into a truly cozy place. And not to spend all your money and energy on it.

Add a warm touch

Warm colors and shades create a sense of coziness better than cold ones. If you repaint the walls in peach, milk, or even gray with a pink tint, the room will immediately change. If you can't change the palette of the room, you can simply add wooden elements to the interior – a tray or box for small items, cup holders, wooden frames and candlesticks, and even some small furniture. Wood has a pleasing red color that will add warmth to any room.

Place textiles in layers

Placing interior textiles in several layers rather than in one, immediately changes the mood of the room. Try putting napkins or serving mats on the tablecloth in the kitchen. In the bedroom, make a bed with a blanket and cover it with a rug. In the bathroom, gather towels into rolls and place them on a shelf in a pyramid or in a basket.

Mix old and new

A brand new renovation often looks uncomfortable because it doesn't feel human. Vintage and antique items can add this feeling. Just choose them so that they are stylistically consistent. In the kitchen, it can be dishes that you inherited from your parents, in the hallway – a shoe rack or a vase for keys, in the living room – a favorite chair from your previous apartment. The love we put into the things we use makes the interior feel cozy like nothing else.

Stick to monochrome

For each room, determine one color that will be dominant for it. For example, the color of young green in the bedroom and beige in the kitchen. Choose all the furniture and decor to match this main color. They can differ in shade or contrast with it, but still emphasize the dominant color. Not everyone can successfully combine a large number of colors. In addition, a bright and varied palette in a place where you spend a lot of time can be psychologically exhausting.

Add a little fire

Live fire or its high-quality imitation can easily create a cozy atmosphere. No wonder everyone wants to have a fireplace at home. But it's not always possible to place one in a city apartment, and this is where candles come in. If you're afraid of open flames, which is justified, buy LED candles that imitate them. There is no shortage of options for arranging a family hearth in the literal sense of the word.

Get rid of junk

Don't keep unnecessary things for a rainy day. Give away, donate or donate everything you don't really use. Clutter is the main enemy of comfort.

Use decorative textiles

Pillows and blankets are an easy way to add coziness to your interior. Even on the bed, where there are already pillows for sleeping, it does not hurt to put a couple of small decorative ones. They will also be appropriate in the living room, just like rugs. And for the kitchen, you can buy soft pads for chairs or stools. They are inexpensive, and they change the space towards a more cozy one very much.

Don't hide your memories

Portraits of family and friends, the best pictures from your trips, shots from memorable photo shoots – all of this should not be hidden in albums on the far shelves. Choose whatever makes your soul happy, print it out, frame it, and place it at eye level. The photos will not only cheer you up, but also create an atmosphere of openness and intimacy for your guests. You can place the photos according to the following principle: the further away from the entrance, the more personal the memories. Portraits will decorate the hallway well, photos from trips and events – the living room, and shots from memorable meetings – the bedroom.

Choose warm lighting

Yes, a light bulb that gives off cold or daylight seems brighter and doesn't distort colors. But it also takes away from the coziness, not adds to it. Cold light generally resembles the atmosphere of an operating room, and this place hardly evokes pleasant memories. Therefore, give preference to daylight for the main lighting, and make the zonal lighting warm – it will create an atmosphere of intimacy and comfort. The benchmark for buying light bulbs is a light temperature of about 3000 Kelvin.

Don't forget about greenery

Even one well-kept flowerpot adds coziness and luxury to the interior. What can we say about a well-arranged indoor garden? But caring for flowers is not a hobby for everyone. If you are often on the road or constantly forget to water the flowers, buy a high-quality artificial plant or periodically buy a bouquet of fresh flowers – this will be enough.

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