
How to make the consumption of liquid soap less: a clever trick

Yulia PoteriankoLife
A cable tie will help reduce soap consumption

Parents of young children know how quickly they can use liquid soap. Kids like to press the dispenser several times because it's fun, and as a result, they use too much product. But overspending is not only due to children's mischief. Most standard soap bottle dispensers dispense too much liquid. This is done so that you can go to the store to buy a new one as soon as possible.

Is there anything you can do about it and save on soap? As OBOZREVATEL has found out, there is. There are even some effective life hacks.

Use the cable tie trick

To reduce soap consumption, you'll need an inexpensive cable tie. Choose a cable tie that is about one-third the width of the dispenser tube from the lid to the spout. Slide the tie over the pipette tube, tighten it, and cut the end. Now it will block full pressure, and the soap will be released in smaller portions. This will be enough to wash your hands properly.

Buy a foaming dispenser

This is a special bottle that, when you press the dispenser, releases not pure soap, but a ready-to-use product that has already been turned into foam. For it to work, the soap should be about two-thirds diluted with water. An additional saving is that you don't have to buy a bottle of the product with a dispenser every time - it's usually more expensive, and you can use economical large packages. The dispenser itself can be chosen in a design that will better suit the interior of your bathroom than a brightly colored soapbox. And it will last much longer.

Dilute the soap with water

Liquid soap is already almost entirely composed of water. Therefore, additional dilution will not seriously affect its cleaning ability. You don't even need to pour the diluted product into a special dispenser. The main thing is that it does not become too liquid after adding water. Then, when you press the dispenser, it will pour out in a stream and spill through your fingers.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you how to remove stains from clothes safely and economically with the help of improvised means.

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