
How to make any orchid bloom: 2 effective ways

Alina MilsentLife
What you need for an orchid to bloom

An orchid is one of the most demanding indoor plants. It instantly reacts to drafts, high humidity, and temperature fluctuations. Although orchids set buds several times a year, the plant will bloom only under favorable conditions.

It is also important to adjust the lighting. Excess light or lack of sunlight will negatively affect flowering. If you follow all the rules for caring for an orchid but it does not bloom, try a few tips from OBOZREVATEL.

Watering mode

A radical but effective way that is suitable for monopodial orchids. Experts advise adjusting the watering regimen by increasing the intervals. For example, if you have been watering the orchid every 4 days, start watering it every 8 days. Try to check the roots and the substrate as they should be well dried.

If you are spraying the leaves and roots, stop doing so. In the wild, orchids can also survive dry periods. Eliminate fertilizers, biostimulants, and hot showers. Create harsher conditions than those to which your orchid is accustomed.

After a certain period, usually 1-2 months, a peduncle will appear. Then you can water the orchid as usual. When the plant blooms, it is not recommended to fertilize it.

Temperature changes

This option is suitable for all epiphytic orchids in summer, spring, and fall. Arrange a "temperature swing" for your plant. When the weather moves to a period of more or less stable warm temperatures (night temperatures are at least +16 °C), you should take the orchid outdoors: into the garden, on an open balcony or in the yard.

If it is too hot during the day, bring the plant indoors. When the plant is not exposed to direct sunlight and stands in the shade, leave it outside for the whole day.

The orchid will receive more carbon dioxide, which will affect the development of roots, leaf growth, and the appearance of peduncles. Temperature changes can be arranged for 1-2 weeks. During the day, the flower will receive enough heat, and at night, it will cool down.

These methods are suitable if you constantly take care of the plant. Then stress will create opportunities for flowering. Do not expose the orchid to unfavorable conditions too often or it may fade.

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