
How to keep warm in an apartment and avoid mold: a simple method

Alina MilsentLife
How to keep your apartment warm and get rid of mold

Mold is not just an aesthetic problem. Fungal spores multiply rapidly and can cause health problems by penetrating the respiratory tract, causing skin rashes and allergic reactions.

Mold usually grows in damp rooms, and in cold weather, characteristic darkening can be seen near windows. Express has revealed a simple life hack that will not only protect against mold but also help keep your home warm.

Nancy Emery, a cleaning expert at Tap Warehouse, emphasized, "Mold grows in cold, damp and humid environments, so you'll usually find it in the bathroom, around the edges of the shower or bath, sink, toilet, as well as on walls, windows, window sills and in areas near radiators and air conditioners."

It's important to check for mold spores around these common areas, as well as on things you might not notice daily, such as mattresses, curtains, houseplants, and under the kitchen sink.

There are many reasons for mold formation, but most often, the appearance of fungal spores is associated with poor ventilation in the house. A cool and humid environment is ideal for mold growth.

One of the most effective and affordable ways to combat mold is to use window film in the coldest rooms, where mold forms the fastest.

"Insulating window film is a thin plastic film that helps to effectively reduce heat loss by providing better insulation," Emery emphasized.

The expert added that the film can either be directly glued to the window with a hairdryer or attached to the window ledge to create a fixed "air layer" about 2 cm thick with a special tape.

This will limit the convective airflow. The insulating film will prevent condensation, reducing the risk of mold in the house. A simple life hack will also stop heat leakage through tiny drafts.

Replacing the silicone sealant on the edges of the windows will also help to improve the thermal insulation in the house. Re-sealing will protect for many months.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA explained how a cheap and popular ingredient can help get rid of mold in the bathroom.

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