
How to get rid of unpleasant odor in the refrigerator: effective tricks

The unpleasant odor in the refrigerator arises due to improper storage of products. Source: Pexels.

It often happens that an unpleasant odor appears in the refrigerator. This stench can result from spoiled food or improper storage.

You need to clean the refrigerator regularly, but some products may not effectively address this common problem. That's why OBOZREVATEL has collected effective tips to help restore a fresh and clean smell.

Baking soda

This is a reliable tool that effectively deals with unpleasant odors and stubborn dirt. Baking soda stops the growth of bacteria that cause food spoilage and converts acidic particles into salts that have a neutral odor.

To prevent odors, pour three tablespoons of baking soda into a container and place it in the refrigerator or freezer, putting it on each shelf if necessary.

If the odor persists, you need to go through all the food and thoroughly clean the refrigerator. To do this, mix one cup of baking soda with one cup of water. Dip a clean cloth in the solution and wipe the entire refrigerator well, leaving it for a few minutes. Then wipe again, but with a cloth dampened with water.

After cleaning, stubborn stains may remain. To get rid of them, mix ½ cup of baking soda with a tablespoon of water and apply the mixture to dirty surfaces. Scrub with a toothbrush and rinse everything with a damp cloth.

Vinegar is also an indispensable cleaning tool. If the odor still remains after using baking soda, dilute 100 ml of vinegar in the same amount of warm water and wipe the surfaces again with a clean sponge. Place a glass of vinegar near the source of the odor; it will absorb the stench. This solution should be changed every three days.

Coffee grounds will also help in the fight against unpleasant odors. Although it will not be as effective as a baking soda or vinegar solution, coffee will reduce the stench. Put the dried coffee grounds in containers on the refrigerator shelf, and remember to change them once a week.

Activated charcoal also fights unwanted odors not only in the refrigerator but also in the car, bathroom, and cabinets. Put 5-8 tablets in the right place, and in a few hours, you won't feel any odors.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you how to get rid of an unpleasant toilet odor. Subscribe to OBOZREVATEL's Telegram and Viber channels to keep up with the latest developments.

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