
How to get rid of unpleasant odor from the sink: simple ways

Alina MilsentLife
How to clean the sink from clogging

Kitchen sinks often get clogged. Grease, dirt, and food residues accumulate in the drain and create blockages that, if not cleaned regularly, begin to emit an unpleasant odor.

Even special nets cannot save you from the formation of blockages in the pipes. OBOZ.UA tells you about an effective life hack that will help you get rid of an unpleasant odor in the kitchen.

An effective life hack

Aggressive chemicals do not always help to eliminate blockages. As always, improvised ingredients will come in handy. The simplest and most effective method is to combine two products: baking soda and vinegar.

Acetic acid acts as a solvent to help break down the clog. Vinegar destroys chemical bonds, neutralizes alkaline substances and breaks down fats in combination with the abrasive particles of baking soda. Thus, it's a good idea to periodically clean your kitchen drain with an effective mixture.

How to get rid of unpleasant odor from the sink: simple ways

Step-by-step instructions

Step 1. First of all, pour ½ cup of baking soda into the sink and wait for 15 minutes. In the case of difficult clogs, you can double the amount of baking soda.

Step 2. Next, carefully pour in ½ cup of vinegar and wait another 10-15 minutes for the mixture to work.

Step 3. Experts also recommend adding a few glasses of warm water, but not boiling water. At this stage, you can already evaluate the result.

Soda and vinegar not only disinfect but also remove blockages in the drain by dissolving the remnants of fat and food, which are usually sources of unpleasant odors.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA shared how to get rid of the smell of fried food in the apartment.

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