
How to get rid of rust on ceramic tiles: a useful life hack

Alina MilsentLife
How to remove rust on tiles

Ceramic tiles and tile joints often show signs of staining. Although ceramic tiles are not susceptible to rust, the surface can become stained if there are metal components or fixtures nearby, such as rusty water pipes, since rust is usually associated with metals.

Cleaning tiles from rust is done not only for aesthetic reasons. As the stains grow, they can potentially damage the surface, leading to expensive repairs. House Digest explains how to remove rust.

How to remove rust

Experts advise using a pumice stone. Pumice is formed from volcanic lava that cools rapidly, trapping gas bubbles in the stone. These stones are usually found near volcanic areas or in regions with volcanic activity.

Pumice is great for cleaning due to its unique properties. It is lightweight, porous, and abrasive, making it effective for removing dirt, rust, and stains from a variety of surfaces. The pumice stone will help you clean rust from ceramic tiles.

Step-by-step instructions

Step 1. Before using the pumice stone, soak it in water for a few minutes as this will soften the stone significantly. It is important to focus only on the rusty areas to avoid unnecessary cleaning and possible damage to the tile.

Step 2. Using light pressure, gently scrub the rusty areas with a wet pumice stone. Make small circular motions to gradually remove the rust stains. Do not apply too much pressure as it may scratch the ceramic surface.

Step 3. After cleaning, rinse the tiles with water to remove any residue. It may take several attempts to remove stubborn stains.

Important warnings

Although pumice is generally safe to use on ceramic tiles, it is important to take some precautions. Always wet the pumice stone before use to soften the stone and reduce the risk of scratches.

Pre-test the pumice stone on a small, inconspicuous area of the tile to make sure it does not cause any damage.

It is not recommended to use pumice stone for delicate surfaces that are more prone to scratches.

Why pumice stone is effective

There are several advantages to using pumice stone. First, pumice is a natural volcanic rock that is light and porous. When pumice is wet, it becomes softer, allowing it to conform to the shape of the tile and penetrate crevices where rust may be present. Pumice can effectively remove rust from even the most complex patterns on ceramic tiles.

Secondly, the abrasiveness of pumice stone makes it very effective for removing rust. The rough texture of the stone allows you to gently scrub away rust without damaging the tile. Unlike harsh chemicals or abrasive brushes, pumice stone provides a gentle approach to removing rust.

In addition, pumice stone is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly method. Chemical solutions can contain harmful ingredients, while pumice stone requires only water.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA talked about additional ways to help clean tiles in the bathroom and kitchen.

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