
How to get rid of rust on any surface: a simple trick

Alina MilsentLife
How to wash off rust

Rust must be removed promptly, as excessive humidity can lead to the oxidation of metals, causing irreversible damage.

In the spring, when you take your tools out of sheds, garages, or basements, you may find that they are completely covered in rust. Humidity is merciless to any surface, especially metals. There are several simple, effective, and inexpensive ways to get rid of rust. The Sante Plus publication provides more information.

Hydrogen Peroxide, Citric Acid, and Salt

Pour 300 ml of hydrogen peroxide into a container of water, and add 80 g of citric acid and 15 g of salt. Ensure that the salt dissolves well by thoroughly mixing the ingredients.

Dip the rusty object into the solution and wait for several hours. You may notice that the solution darkens and begins to foam, indicating that the rust is coming off.

Experts suggest that the reaction will occur when the temperature of the solution reaches about 60 °C.

Clean any remaining rust with baking soda mixed into a paste with water. Wipe the rusty object with a brush.

White Vinegar

Acetic acid is strong enough to remove rust. Simply dip the rusty item in vinegar.

You can also add salt to the vinegar and apply the mixture to the rust. Allow some time for the acid to take effect. Then rub gently with a sponge, rinse, and dry. Always rinse items well after the rust has dissolved, as residual vinegar can damage the metal.

Baking Soda

Soda is also a highly effective cleaning and bleaching agent with pronounced anti-corrosion properties. Make a paste by mixing baking soda with water; the paste should be quite thick. Leave the baking soda on the rusty surface for a while and then wipe it off with a brush.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL talked about the most effective ways to help clean rust in the toilet.

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