
How to get rid of dirt and stains on jacket sleeves: life-saving hacks

Alina MilsentLife
How to remove dirt from a jacket

The sleeves are usually the dirtiest places on jackets. Many people refuse to buy stylish outerwear in light or bright colors because they think it is impractical. Indeed, soiled sleeves look untidy, and there are problems with cleaning them.

However, you should not panic or deny yourself the pleasure of wearing bright things just because you are afraid of stains. OBOZ.UA has collected the most effective life hacks that will help you easily remove dirt on the sleeves of your jacket.

Tip 1

You should start with the simplest thing: apply a little soap or liquid detergent to the dirty sleeves and immerse them in warm water. Using a soft sponge, gently rub the stained area. This is a safe and effective method for many fabrics and fillings. It works best if you soak the sleeves immediately after the stains appear.

Tip 2

Vinegar, thanks to its acidic properties, will effectively clean even old stains. Soak a sponge in vinegar diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio and wipe off the stains. This product will work for many types of stains, but you should be careful not to damage delicate fabrics.

Tip 3

If you're not looking for eco-friendly and safe laundry detergents, you can keep things simple and just buy special laundry detergents. It is important to check whether the chosen detergent is suitable for a certain type of fabric and follow the instructions on the label.

Tip 4

One of the most powerful dirt removers is a mixture of baking soda and lemon juice. You can use either citric acid or juice from half a lemon. Mix the ingredients until a paste-like consistency is formed, apply it to the stain and leave it on for a few minutes. Then rinse off the rest of the product with water. Baking soda and lemon juice will remove even grease stains.

Tip 5

If your jacket has a special hydrophobic coating, the "home" life hacks may not work on it. In this case, you can use special water-repellent sprays. They will facilitate the subsequent removal of dirt.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA told you how to properly wash jackets so that there are no stains and the synthetic winterizer is retained.

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