
How to get ready quickly and calmly: simple tips

Alina MilsentLife
How to get ready for work quickly

Waking up in the morning is not always a pleasant procedure, especially if the night was quite disturbing in the war. With the onset of autumn, waking up in the morning is becoming more and more difficult: the weather outside is deteriorating, it often rains, so you want to soak up the warmth of the bed as long as possible.

Five, ten, twenty minutes more, and you don't have enough time for breakfast, hair, or makeup. OBOZREVATEL talks about the most effective and simple tips to help you get ready quickly in the morning and save time.

Morning shower

A pleasant morning is the key to a successful and productive day. Use your morning shower not only for hygiene purposes, but also to get a boost of energy. Cool water tones and invigorates you. Masks, scrubs, and other beauty treatments are best left for the evening or a day off, which will save you at least 10 minutes.


To save time, it is better to wash your hair in the evening so that you can do only styling in the morning. If you can't wash your hair in the evening, use dry shampoo. Of course, it will not replace a full-fledged hair wash, but your hair will look well-groomed throughout the day. If you do decide to wash your hair in the morning, do it first thing so that your hair dries out a little during breakfast and getting ready.


No foundation will provide a perfect complexion. A radiant tone is not achieved by artificial methods. If you travel to work by public transport, multi-layer makeup can be ruined because your face will definitely sweat.

A radiant skin tone can be achieved without the use of cosmetics. Experts advise washing your face with cold water in the morning - this will stimulate nerve endings, promote blood circulation, and give your face a slight blush. Then apply a protective or moisturizer to your skin.

Food for work

It's better to not only prepare but also pack your food for work in the evening - this will also help save time. In the morning, just enjoy your breakfast.

Clothes for tomorrow

Check the weather forecast in the evening and prepare your clothes for tomorrow. Iron your shirts, shine your shoes, and prepare your handbag to match your outfit. Prepare everything - even underwear, socks, and accessories.

Keep things in their place

It is worth accustoming yourself to order and cleaning your room in the evening. Often in the morning, a lot of time is spent searching for suddenly missing items - shoe sponges, keys, lip gloss, socks.

Do not turn on your laptop or computer in the morning. Sometimes "5 minutes on the laptop" turns into "half an hour late for work." This applies to all gadgets. Take a few minutes to check the news in the morning or respond to important messages - that's it. The rest of the information can wait.

Time counting

Introduce a time-counting rule if morning gatherings are a real problem for you and you are always late for everything. Write down how much time you can spend on each item of your morning routine: "shower - 7 minutes, hairstyle - 5 minutes, breakfast - 15 minutes," and so on.

The main rule of calm and quick preparations is to leave a few important tasks for the morning that you cannot do in the evening.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you that sleep deprivation is a lack or complete absence of satisfaction of the need for sleep. This condition is dangerous because it impairs concentration and leads to impaired thinking processes. A morning cup of coffee is one of the most popular traditions in the world. Read the article to find out whether coffee really invigorates and saves from sleep deprivation.

Also, OBOZREVATEL figured out what habits really spoil your sleep.

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