
How to easily open a canning jar: a life hack that will surprise you

Anna OnishchenkoLife
How to easily open a canning jar

Everyone knows the feeling of frustration when you can't open a can of food. Sometimes it even seems like the lid is stuck tightly and no amount of physical effort will work.

However, there is a simple life hack that will help you open any jar easily and effortlessly. House Digest told us how it works and what you need for it.

There are many life hacks on how to open a canning jar. Some recommend holding it under hot water or using a knife. However, not everyone knows that there is one much easier and safer way.

How to easily open a canning jar: a life hack that will surprise you

As strange as it may sound, you'll need ordinary flour to conquer any canned jar. This life hack is really very simple but at the same time incredibly effective. Try it and you will be pleasantly surprised.

Life hack with flour

This method involves using a small amount of flour to break the seal between the lid and the jar and open it easily.

How to easily open a canning jar: a life hack that will surprise you

To do this, all you have to do is wipe the lid of the jar clean of grease and sticky spots, if any. Then turn the canned food over and sprinkle a small amount of flour around the lid where it meets the glass jar. This way, tiny particles of flour will get into the cracks, breaking the seal and letting air in.

The flour acts as a dry lubricant, reducing the friction between the lid and the edge of the jar. As a result, the vacuum effect is slightly weakened, so you can unscrew the lid quite easily.

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