
How to drink alcohol: rules of etiquette

Alina MilsentLife
How to drink alcohol correctly

Alcohol etiquette is a combination of technical and gastronomic components. The technical one involves knowing the rules of serving drinks, and the gastronomic one is the ability to combine drinks with dishes.

OBOZREVATEL has collected the rules of alcohol etiquette that will allow you to feel confident both in an expensive restaurant and at a corporate party with colleagues or management. Read the article to find out what dishes are ordered with different types of wines, what an aperitif is, and how to pour drinks correctly.

The rule for ordering wines

Traditionally, white wines are ordered with fish or lean white meat, and red wines with red meat.

Rosé wines are most often ordered with desserts or savory pastries, and sparkling wines are most often ordered with fruits, salads, or sweet dishes.

According to alcohol etiquette, wines are served in the following sequence:

  • sparkling wines - before regular wines;
  • white wines - before red wines;
  • less strong wines - before wines of greater strength;
  • young wines - before mature wines;
  • dry wines - before dessert wines.

Vermouth and sherry are best enjoyed with rich dishes, fruit or nuts.

The rule for ordering water

If you are in doubt about whether you can order water when you drink alcohol, you can safely order it. This will be useful both for dehydration and for rescuing you from intoxication.

There's even a rule of thumb (of course, it's approximate): you can order a glass of still water for a glass of wine or champagne.

What to drink for an aperitif

An aperitif is a low-alcohol drink served before the main meal. The following are served as an aperitif: vermouth, sherry, liqueurs, various cocktails, and campaignari. You also need an appetizer: sandwiches, nuts, hard cheeses, lemons, etc.

Restaurant etiquette rules

Bottles of alcohol in a restaurant should be opened by waiters, and they should do it right next to the table. The waiter should demonstrate the bottle, tell you about the details (year of harvest, country of production, grape variety), uncork and pour the alcohol into glasses.

Is it possible to shoot a champagne cork?

A loud popping of a champagne cork is definitely not a sign of good taste. Fizzy drinks should be opened quietly and carefully.

Who should pour the drinks

According to the rules of etiquette, men should pour drinks. Ladies should not pour or refill their own drinks.

The order of filling glasses

Your own glass should be filled last. The oldest ladies are poured first, then the youngest, then all the men in the same order. The birthday person can be the "first in line".

Can glasses be filled to the brim

According to the rules of good taste, a glass should be filled with white wine by about two-thirds, and with red wine - no more than half.

How to hold a glass correctly

The glass should be held exclusively by the stem so as not to leave greasy marks on the glass. Ladies should dab their lips with a napkin if they are wearing gloss or bright lipstick.

Rules of behavior with guests who do not drink alcohol

Do not force guests to drink. Do not fill their glasses with alcohol without their consent. Alcohol etiquette completely excludes coercion. "Penalty" glasses are a sign of lack of education. Do not offer them to guests to avoid showing bad manners.

If you don't want to drink alcohol, you are not obliged to tell anyone the reasons for your refusal. You should not talk about liver disease or other nuances. Just politely say "no, thank you" and ask for a soft drink.

What is digestif

Digestif is served at the end of a meal. For this purpose, stronger alcohol is chosen: cognac, brandy, whiskey, calvados, and fortified wines (for example, port or madeira).

Digestif is not an obligatory part of the feast, you can always refuse it by asking for a cup of coffee or tea instead.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you whether it is possible to "powder your nose" in a restaurant.

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