
How to descale a kettle: top 3 remedies

Natalia SofienkoLife
How to make a kettle descaler with your own hands

Just three available products - vinegar, citric acid, and baking soda - will help remove limescale inside the kettle. Such contamination not only affects the taste of hot drinks but also reduces the service life of the equipment.

Life hacks were shared by experts of the Рorady.interia publication. Although special products can be bought in stores, nothing prevents you from making a kettle descaler with your own hands.

Here are three simple ways:


Vinegar will quickly remove limescale. To make a kettle descaler, simply pour half a liter of water and a glass of vinegar into the kettle. Boil everything and leave it for a while to let it work and dissolve the scale. After that, rinse the kettle and leave it for a while. Thus, the unpleasant odor from the vinegar should disappear.

Citric acid

If you don't like the irritating smell of vinegar, you can use another proven remedy that will quickly remove limescale, citric acid. All you need to do is pour the contents of the sachet into a kettle, fill it with water, and boil it. After descaling, rinse the kettle well before use.

How to descale a kettle: top 3 remedies

Baking soda

Another effective way to get rid of limescale is to mix four tablespoons of baking soda and 1.5 liters of water, pour it into the kettle and leave it for an hour. Unfortunately, after this treatment, the kettle may not smell very pleasant. However, there is an easy way to deal with this inconvenience. It is enough to boil water in the kettle several times and the smell will disappear.

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