
How to clean yellowed car headlights: life hacks for drivers

Anna OnishchenkoLife
How to clean yellowed car headlights

Regular care of the car's appearance is as important as its timely repair. However, some drivers often forget about the headlights, which usually give away the age of the vehicle, when washing and polishing the body.

Faded headlights not only spoil the appearance of your car but also significantly impair visibility while driving, which can lead to dangerous situations on the road. That's why Genialne has shared a life hack that will help you quickly and effectively deal with dirt and discoloration.

Before starting the procedure, check that the lamps are in good condition and that there are no cracks or scratches on your headlights. If there are a lot of them or they are deep, then you should completely replace the headlights with new ones. However, if they are in good condition, then you will definitely benefit from a cleaning method that only requires:

  • Hard soap;
  • Toothpaste;
  • Lemon;
  • Baking soda.
How to clean yellowed car headlights: life hacks for drivers

First, finely chop or grate a bar of laundry soap, add half a tube of toothpaste and the juice of half a lemon.

Then mix all the ingredients until smooth and add 1 tablespoon of baking soda.

Next, take a regular sponge, apply the mixture to it, and start rubbing the headlights with the hard side. The cleaning process should take about 20 minutes.

When the mixture is well distributed, sprinkle baking soda on the cleaned area and rub the headlights some more. After a few minutes, turn the sponge over, apply the mixture to the soft side of the sponge, and repeat the procedure.

Finally, apply the toothpaste again, then wipe off the excess with a cloth and polish the headlights with a dry paper towel.

When the effect is satisfactory, proceed to waxing. This will help protect the headlights from minor damage, discoloration, and make them shine.

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