
How to clean glass shower doors to a shine: simple life hacks

Julia PeschanskayaLife
How to clean glass shower doors

Housewives often consider cleaning the glass shower door as one of the most challenging bathroom cleaning tasks, as they frequently develop stains from soap scum and limescale that can be tough to remove.

You don't need to purchase chemicals to efficiently clean your shower door. You can create your solution using natural ingredients, eliminating the need for bleach, chlorine, and ammonia. OBOZREVATEL has gathered effective tips to help you achieve this.

You can create a mixture for cleaning glass doors that effectively eliminates stubborn dirt and restores shine using vinegar. Mix equal parts vinegar and water, and you can add a few drops of essential oil to mask the strong vinegar odor.

Transfer the mixture to a spray bottle, apply it to the necessary areas, and allow it to sit for 15 minutes. However, avoid applying this solution to the rubber seals between the door and natural stone, as it may damage them.

Next, use a cloth or sponge to thoroughly clean the glass, removing all stains and dirt. Soak the cloth in water and wipe all surfaces once more. Use a dry cloth or a towel to dry the door, leaving it shining.

A mixture of baking soda and vinegar can also help you get rid of stubborn stains. Mix the two ingredients to create a thick paste and apply it to the stained areas. This mixture is particularly effective for tough stains.

It's a good practice to wipe down the shower after each use, as this will help prevent the development of new stains and limescales.

Previously, OBOZREVATEL provided information about an excellent cleaning product that will help you efficiently clean the toilet and eliminate all germs.

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