
How to clean a freezer: how to melt ice and get rid of unpleasant odors

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Natural home remedies can handle the cleaning of the freezer

General cleaning in the refrigerator can be challenging and time-consuming, especially due to the need to melt the ice in the freezer. Often, after completing this process, an unpleasant odor may linger in the freezer, particularly if it has stored food for an extended period. Therefore, the question often arises of how to expedite defrosting and eliminate the odor.

OBOZREVATEL provides insights into a few life hacks to help with this task and how to properly wash the freezer without causing damage while effectively refreshing it.

Can the freezer be defrosted separately

The short answer is yes, but there are nuances. Not all models allow for the separate disconnection of the refrigerator and freezer compartments from the mains, which is necessary for defrosting. If your device has two compressors, you will be able to do this; otherwise, you'll need to perform a general cleaning of the entire refrigerator.

Experts recommend doing this at least once a year, even for devices equipped with the No Frost system. While they do not accumulate ice, they still require periodic cleaning, especially to address issues with stale food and odors.

What can ice build-up in the freezer indicate

Modern refrigerators are designed to minimize excessive ice buildup. If you encounter this problem, there are two main reasons. Either you frequently use the freezer, causing warm air to enter, forcing the device to work at full capacity and freeze the ice, or the door seal has become loose and needs adjustment.

How to properly clean the freezer

Regardless of your refrigerator's design, cleaning the freezer follows a similar algorithm:

  • Unplug the refrigerator; if possible and you want to clean only the freezer, then disconnect it only.
  • Remove all food from the freezer, placing it in a location where it won't defrost quickly. If possible, cover it with bottles of frozen water to slow down thawing.
  • Remove shelves, racks, and trays.
  • Leave the door open and wait for the snow and ice to melt.

The defrosting process can take from 3 to 10 hours, depending on the freezer's condition. During this time, you can wash all its removable parts. Non-aggressive products with a deodorizing effect, such as citric acid, vinegar, and baking soda, are suitable. However, be cautious with baking soda, as its abrasiveness can scratch surfaces - avoid excessive rubbing of drawers and shelves.

Once all the ice has melted, wash the walls and bottom of the freezer with a soft sponge and a microfiber cloth, using the same detergent as for the drawers. You can also prepare a soda solution with 1 tablespoon of the product to 500 ml of water for effective odor removal.

If mold has appeared on parts like the door and the seal, you can treat it with citric acid or white vinegar, leaving the substance for a few minutes before washing it off.

The final step in cleaning the freezer is to rinse off any product residues and dry the chamber, which takes about 20-30 minutes. Only then can you put all the removable parts back in and plug in the device. Excessive ice will not immediately build up in the dry compartment. Once the freezer has cooled down after cleaning (approximately 2 hours), you can return the food to it.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you how to effectively clean the handles of a kitchen stove.

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