
How to care for cacti and succulents: one mistake can kill unpretentious houseplants

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Experts told us how not to overwater your cactus

Cacti and succulent plants are considered to be almost impossible to kill with improper care. But then why is it that almost everyone has at least one friend or acquaintance who has "bragged" about the fact that their plant died?

Indoor gardening experts say that although succulents are indeed very hardy plants, you can make mistakes even in caring for them. OBOZ.UA has collected tips on how to avoid these mistakes.

Unlike decorative deciduous and flowering indoor plants, the most common cause of death of cacti and succulents is not a lack of watering, but its excess. These species store a lot of moisture in their stems and leaves and can tolerate long periods without moistening the soil. However excessive water quickly causes various parts of their body to rot.

But how do you know when it's time to water your cactus? It's simple - wait until the soil underneath is completely dry. Succulents tolerate short-term drought very well and do not suffer from it at all. So you only need to add water when you touch the soil in the pot and it is completely dry to the touch.

Signs of waterlogging are that your cactus or succulent begins to peel, shrivel, turn yellow, or become soft to the touch. In this case, let the plant dry out properly by moving it to a well-lit place. If this doesn't help, remove it from the pot, remove any rotted roots, and repot it in special succulent soil. It holds water less well and is less nutritious. This is exactly what these plants need.

Make sure that the pot in which you keep the plant has a drainage hole so that excess water can escape through it. Also, pour a thick layer of expanded clay or other drainage material on the bottom of the vessel. This will also contribute to effective drainage.

The temperature that is comfortable for cacti and succulents is between 25 and 30 degrees Celsius. But this doesn't mean that you have to heat your home fiercely in winter to keep these plants alive. It is enough to make sure that the room temperature is not less than +15 - at lower temperatures, these species can hibernate or start to get sick.

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