
How to boost your Wi-Fi signal: top 6 simple tips

Artem BatechkoLife
Thanks to these tips, you can avoid buying a new router

Surely everyone is familiar with the situation when a router starts to transmit the signal worse. The solution is to buy a new, more powerful device. But don't rush to buy one until you've tried a few free life hacks.

Radiotrek has shared how to strengthen the Wi-Fi signal yourself. There are 6 ways, both cost-effective and a little expensive:

  1. Try moving the router higher, for example, on a cabinet, and place it closer to the centre of the apartment or house.
  2. You can also buy an additional booster antenna and connect it to the device.
  3. Go to the router settings, the manufacturer may have released an update for it, and the installation will be automatic, so anyone can do it.
  4. If you have an old router lying around, you can use it as an additional access point. It can also work as an amplifier if placed in another part of the house for a more even signal.
  5. Disconnect unnecessary devices from the Wi-Fi connection to avoid overloading the router. The fewer devices you have connected, the stronger the signal.
  6. The easiest and most expensive way is to buy a new router with Wi-Fi 6 signal support.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL reported how to keep the Internet without power. 5 most effective ways to stay online.

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