
How long do cats live: which breeds are long-lived

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Siamese, Maine Coons, and Orientals can boast a long lifespan

The well-being and health of a pet is the main responsibility of its owner. Thus, with proper care, domestic cats can live for 15 years or more. But is there a dependence of the feline's life expectancy on its breed?

As OBOZREVATEL found out, felinologists do distinguish several long-lived breeds. As a rule, these are long-established breeds or new species bred with the involvement of wild cats, among others. That's because high-bred animals are usually bred through related crossbreeding, which increases the risk of disease. But what factors other than genes can affect a cat's lifespan?

What affects a purr's lifespan

First of all, it is the conditions of detention. A cat that lives at home does not meet stray dogs and does not run across the road, so it has much fewer risks in life. Unfortunately, the life expectancy of street cats is very short, only 2-5 years, and animals that walk on the street without supervision live less than their relatives. The cats that live the longest lives are those that are not let out or are walked like dogs - with the participation of their owners.

Nutrition is also important. Modern foods take into account all the needs and characteristics of cats: kittens and nursing cats are given more nutrients, neutered and elderly animals are offered a lower-calorie diet, and there are entire lines of dietary foods for cats with various diseases. Of course, feeding your purrfective cat natural meat is also a great approach, although it requires some effort. But in this case, consult a veterinarian who will help you balance the animal's diet, because, unlike dogs, cats are obligate carnivores and the percentage of non-meat products in their diet should be very small. In addition, you need to give them offal from time to time and process everything properly so as not to infect your pet with parasites and protozoa. It is also important not to overfeed the furry animal - excess weight is just as harmful to cats as it is to humans.

Medical care is another extremely important factor. Once a year, a cat, even if it does not leave the house, should receive all the necessary vaccinations. Routine check-ups, such as examinations, blood tests, etc., should be carried out with the same frequency. And don't forget about regular parasite treatment. Also, keep in mind the typical problems of different breeds. For example, Maine Coons and British Shorthairs often have heart problems, the former also suffer from musculoskeletal diseases, bald cats have extremely sensitive skin, exotic cats have a weak respiratory system and eyes, and so on. Study this issue and keep it under control.

Do not forget about the animal's physical activity. Despite the fact that cats like to lie down for long periods of time and sleep most of the day, they still need exercise. With age, this need decreases, but even elderly animals are happy to chase a fly or a crumpled piece of paper for at least a couple of minutes. It is your responsibility to ensure that your pet leads an active life.

It is also important to regulate the level of stress. Cats are psychologically sensitive animals and do not tolerate stressful situations. Moving, the arrival of guests, the long absence of a loved one, conflicts with family members, and even a vacuum cleaner turned on can have a bad effect on the feline's health. Therefore, take into account its temperament - do not pick on a cat that is not in the mood for communication, do not even pet it unless it initiates it, provide the animal with at least one place for complete privacy, and in no case take it out of its hiding place. Avoid bathing your furry friend unnecessarily, as this is also incredibly stressful for him. Also, do not scare cats for fun. It's funny for you, but it takes years of life from the animal.

Which breeds live longer than others

As a rule, outbred cats can boast of good health. These animals mostly get the strongest genes from their parents and are therefore hardy and strong creatures. So don't be afraid to adopt ordinary "sprats", "shells", and black and white fluffy cats from shelters. They often have a wonderful disposition to everything.

But here are the breeds that are considered to be real long-livers:

  • Siamese and most of its derivatives, Russian Blue, Oriental, and Semi-Persian cats - 19-20 years;
  • Thai, Egyptian Mau - 18-19 years old;
  • Maine Longhair, Japanese Bobtail, Savannah, Selkirk Rex - 17-18 years old;
  • Maine Coon, Australian Smoky, Celtic - 16 years old;
  • Neva Masquerade, Abyssinian, British, Burmese - 14-16 years old;
  • Sphynx, Himalayan, Cimrian, Persian - 12-14 years old;
  • Scottish Straight, Munchkin, Ural Rex - 9-11 years old;
  • Bombay - 8-10 years old.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you which cat breeds will become the best doctors and how they can help their people.

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