
How cats see the world: features of animals' vision you didn't know about

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Cats see the world differently than we do

You've probably wondered more than once what your cat sees when it looks at you so intently. Does it recognize your eye color as well as you do hers? And how does it manage to navigate so well in the dark? Science has already answered some questions about how cats see.

OBOZREVATEL has collected some interesting facts about cat vision. So you can imagine the world through the eyes of your feline.

Can cats distinguish colors?

The short answer is yes, they can. But, of course, not in the same way as we do. For example, they see many more shades of gray, white, and black. But bright colors seem more muted to them than to us. They have the most trouble distinguishing warm colors - red, yellow, orange, etc.

Of the two types of sensory cells in the eye - rods and cones - rods predominate in cats. They are responsible for peripheral and night vision. But cones, which help them see in daylight and distinguish colors, have evolved to be less of a priority for them.

How do cats see at night?

So, rods help cats navigate in the dark. But this is not the only secret of their night vision. You've probably noticed how cat eyes can glow in the dark. A special layer of the cat's choroid is responsible for this effect. It is called the tapetum. This layer helps to use light sources more efficiently. So even a small candle looks like a powerful flashlight to a cat. The sensitivity of these beautiful predators to light is about 7 times higher than that of humans.

How sharp is a cat's eyesight?

If cats' eyesight were evaluated by human standards, they would be considered farsighted. They don't see close objects very clearly. Extremely sensitive hairs, called vibrissae, located on different parts of the body, are responsible for perceiving objects in the vicinity. The most noticeable type of vibrissae is the cat's whiskers, but they are also found on the ears and on the front paws. Therefore, cats do not need to see at short distances.

Instead, they can distinguish objects in the distance perfectly. This helps them to hunt - to spot prey and quickly aim at it. Cats also have a visual field of 200 degrees. A human's field of vision is 180 degrees on average.

What eye problems can cats have?

Just like humans, cats suffer from eye diseases. Here's a list of symptoms to look out for:

  • redness of the eye sclerae;
  • persistent lacrimation;
  • various discharges, such as pus;
  • cloudy eyes;
  • signs of disorientation due to decreased vision.

Such disorders can be caused by a variety of reasons - inflammatory processes, allergies to dust or detergents, viral diseases, etc. In this case, it is better not to hesitate but to consult a veterinarian who will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told about the talent of cats to heal people, which turned out to be not a myth but the absolute truth.

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